Book II | Prologue

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry for asking. That must've been.. horrible." Athena said, finding it hard to put words on her sympathy for him and the others, and everyone else in the city that had been killed or had family killed for that matter. "The worst thing was just the guilt.. Knowing that I wasn't able to save everyone.."

"You can't always be able to. Life is just like that. You did your best, no one and especially not you, should blame yourself for that." She was clever, and she always surprised him with her words. She was also clever enough however to see that he was stalling. "–now, tell me, Rogers. Why the hell are you really here."

Steve sighed, "I'm bringing you home. Sam says your anxiety attacks are a lot less violent and the nurses say that they're less frequent too. You're well, well enough to come home." Athena looked at him surprised. She'd been at the facility for so long, that she'd totally forgotten where home was, who home was.

"Now?" Steve chuckled at her confusion. "No, we're spending the night, I'll help you pack, and then we leave tomorrow morning." Athena didn't know how she looked, probably really surprised and a bit confused.
After spending two years or so in this place, she'd begun wondering if she would ever leave, and now she was.

Depending on other people, wasn't something Athena particularly liked or enjoyed. Doing nothing all day was infuriating, and being confined to that one place, although it was a big one, was beginning to make her feel claustrophobic.

"I don't know what home is anymore Steve.. My father is dead. I don't have anything to come home to." Steve's expression saddened at her words. "Of course you do. Your father, he actually left the house and everything else in your name."

"I don't wanna live in a house were the Winter Soldier knows the address." Her voice was cold and her eyes were even colder. "If that's where you're planning on dropping me off, I'm staying here."

Steve nodded understandingly, "Actually, I was thinking you could stay at the Avengers compound with some of the others."

"The others?" Athena raised an eyebrow wanting him to elaborate. "I'll explain tomorrow on the long drive. Short version is, we've gotten a few new members on the team."

"I don't know if it's a good idea to move in with a bunch of strangers Steve. I'm not the best bunk-buddy. I kind of have a habit of waking up and freaking out because I don't remember where I am." Athena said, clearly ashamed about not being able to take care of herself. "You would have your own room. I could probably even pull a few strings and have it placed next to mine. Just try it out, give it a chance and see if it works."

"And if it doesn't?" Athena asked looking up at him. "Then I'll help you find an apartment or something close by." Steve promised and shrugged.

The soft ringing of a bell made Athena's head snap up. "Lunch is ready." She grinned looking mischievously at Steve. "–You ready for recipes from your childhood?"

"My childhood?" Steve asked doubtfully. But Athena just nodded tiredly. "The place is gorgeous but the food is horrible. They boil everything, Steve." The super soldier laughed at his friend. "You wouldn't have survived back in my days." Steve said jokingly.

"You're right. If I hadn't been burned at the stake for witchcraft because I'm an independent woman. I would've probably killed myself because I couldn't get a decent meal." Steve laughed loudly at Athena's clearly over dramatic and sarcastic statement.

"I'm not that old." Athena chuckled at Steve's need to defend himself. "–You're actually older than me if you don't take the years I was frozen into consideration." Steve added a couple seconds later. "Only by one and a half year or something." Athena rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"What's age anyway? I stopped counting at twenty-one." Athena snorted making Steve laugh in agreement. "Well you were the one who started this by calling me old."

"We're going to live till the age of two-hundred because of the serum anyway." Athena said looking heartbrokenly at her hands. "–I guess Hydra didn't stop after taking away my childhood.. I won't ever have the possibility of growing old with the man I love, I'll probably even survive to see my own children die.. if I can even have them.." Steve looked at her concerned before she shook her head and stood up. "Got a bit dark there huh? I'm sorry." Athena chuckled before she gave Steve a small reassuring smile.

"Let's go eat lunch."

"You ready?" Athena looked back at the facility over her shoulder.
It had been a nice home in those two years, and a good place to lay low while she recovered, found herself and dealt with whatever traumas, triggering the memories from Hydra had given her.

"I'm ready.." Athena said adjusting her arms around Steve on the motorcycle. "–Let's go home."

Here's the very first part of the second book.
(To anyone who's confused; this will be a trilogy but I'm too lazy to make three different books.. so they will all be gathered in this one.)
Remember to fav, comment follow and whatever! I love hearing your thoughts and opinions.

Also here is Bucky and Athena's words! I guess the books title will make more sense to you after reading this lol.

Longing (желаниe)

Rusted (pжавый)

Seventeen (семнадцать)

Daybreak (рассвет)

Furnace (Печь)

Nine (Девять)

Benign (Доброкачественные)

Homecoming (Возвращение домой)

One (Один)

Freight car (грузовой вагон)

Loving (любящий)

Bone (кость)

Nineteen (девятнадцать)

Daybreak (рассвет)

Mother (мама)

Nine (Девять)

Family (семья́)

Homecoming (Возвращение домой)

One (Один)

Pure (непорочный)

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