Yandere! Bloody mary x Reader

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Your pov.

"If I get married, and my son becomes a priest, Should I call him Son or Father?" I ask out loud.

It was currently midnight, and I was on my bed, too scared to sleep. Even though I knew I would get scared, I couldn't help but watch those damn horror videos on YouTube.

Seriously, why do I do this to myself?

Maybe a video from pewds might help?

I once again pull out my phone and open YouTube. Once the app was open, I was about to tap the search Icon..... But something else caught my eye.

There was a video in my recommendations, who's title went by 'Step by step guide to summon Bloody Mary! 100% works!!'.

Okay..... What the actual hell, YouTube? Why would you recommend me this?

Of course, I'm not gonna click on it. The thumbnail itself looks scary as hell....

'still..... Looks kinda fun......'

No it doesn't! Shut up, mind!

'C'mon.... What's the harm in watching?'

No. I. Am. Not!

'I mean........... It isn't even real, So I should just be fine, right?'

No no no no no! Stop thinking! Stop thinking! Stop thinking!

'I mean.... Why be scared of something that doesn't even exist? I'm not THAT big of a coward to not even watch an obviously fake video....'

I'm still having second thoughts....

'Its not like I'm gonna try to do these obviously fake rituals in real life, right?'

That is true.........

"Aw Shit! Here we go again!" I yelled. No matter what I do, my curiosity always gets the better of me!

With a sigh, I start watching the video.

The first thing that came up was a bald guy, who seemed like he escaped from prison few days ago.

The women who tried to play Bloody Mary definitely sucks at acting, and the guy had to try better at acting scared. In the end, It just round up being a laughing stock.

"What a bunch of liars!" I exclaimed as I laid back on my bed.

'Told you it wasn't real' A part of me thought.

I know right!

'So it shouldn't be a problem to try the ritual, right?'

.................... I'm over thinking again. Better get some sleep.

'C'mon! Its obviously fake, so no harm!'

..... Oh my god...... I don't like what I'm thinking.

'Its gonna be fun!'

Oh no....




So here I am, standing in front of my bathroom mirror, with a candle in my hands.

I tried so hard, to resist the urge. But in the end...... It doesn't even matter. The curiosity always wins over fear.

And is it just me, or does a dark room really get creepier after lighting a candle?

Whatever, I'll just finish up with this and go to sleep.

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