Your doctor rose her hands. "Don't panic yet, I apologize for that pause. And let me apologize in advance for my tone and exhaustion... I've delivered three babies in the last twenty-four hours. So, once I do a final check-in with you, I finally get my time off..."

"Oh..." You blinked, not sure what else to say.

"Anyway, while it's not anything to stress about, as it might not even happen... babies born early tend to have a greater risk of sickness and disease since their immune system isn't very strong yet.

Therefore, just keep an eye on little Katsuko. She seems very healthy right now, but she might be the type of kid to get sick often growing up. And of course, if anything looks bad or worrying, just bring her back here and we'll help her out as best we can."

After several rounds of thank yous and your doctor bowing out, the Bakugou family was once more the only ones left in the room. Masaru gently clearing his throat, and Mitsuki sighing, passing the newborn over to him. The grandfather looking quite pleased as he took in the features of his granddaughter even more.

"Well... she definitely is carrying your family curse Mitsuki." Masaru laughed, Mitsuki scoffing as your and Bakugou's ears perked up at this.

"What...curse?" Bakugou rose a brow, Masaru and Mitsuki looking at one another before bursting into giggles.

"Your mother's side of the family has what I've called a curse..." Masaru spoke. "After all... do you know anyone born into your mother's side who doesn't have red eyes and ash blonde hair?"

Bakugou blinked, seeming to recall that oddity. It was true... all his family on his mother's side who didn't marry in... had the same hair and eyes as he had. And now... Katsuko did as well.

"A family curse..." You sighed. "Another strange thing it seems you have..."

"Shut up..." Bakugou clicked his tongue. "I didn't know either!"

"There's that selective blindness again..." You chuckled lightly.

Before Bakugou could sass you back, Mitsuki had jumped into a new conversation topic. She and Masaru knowing they needed to say it before the new parents left with their baby and headed home.

"Well... we wanted you both to know... if anything ever gets too stressful or you are clueless... we want you to feel free to call us at any time. Being new parents is hard, but Masaru and I are here... so, don't be afraid to reach out."

Your eyes teared up lightly, and you went to embrace your mother in law. Mitsuki returning the embrace and letting the moment pass. Bakugou nodding to his father to let him know he heard, but the ego of the hero still seemed to be strong enough for him to not let himself go further then acknowledgement of it.

And then soon enough, it was time to bring Katsuko home.


"I'll get it." Your husband spoke, grabbing the door and opening it while carrying all the bags and items that had been gathered and brought to the hospital.

It seemed that some sort of overprotective drive had been awakened inside of him, and now he was trying to do everything for you, who was carrying the small baby. You only rolled your eyes at his behavior, too tired to really question it. Maybe soon, when you felt more up to telling him to calm down and act normal. But what was normal for Bakugou Katsuki exactly?

"Welcome home Katsuko." You smiled gently, hearing the sounds of your husband close the door.

He put the bags and information pamphlets on babies down on the table near the entrance. Then stood beside you, both of you gazing into the hallway, not moving or doing or saying anything. Katsuko making a light noise as she shifted in your arms.

Slowly you turned to your husband, looking at him dead in the eye, as it seemed he had turned to look at you as well.



"W-what do we do now?"

A silence grew over the pair of you. Slowly your eyes looked back to the informational pamphlets. Meanwhile, Bakugou was racking his brain, trying to decide himself what the next best option here would be.

"Fuck... I have no damn idea." He breathed out.

Those parenting books he had read in secret had pretty much-covered everything to do when something was wrong with the baby... but what does one do when nothing is wrong with the baby and you literally brought her home for the first time?

"Should we lay her down for a nap?" You asked him.

"I have no idea... what are we supposed to do with a baby? What am I supposed to do if the baby isn't freaking the fuck out?!" He rose his voice, panic starting to set in a little bit.

Katsuko's cry came at full force in the next moment, her reaction to her father's upset tone definitely shaking away any chance of putting her down for a nap. Now she was screaming herself, and seems to have her first fit.

You quickly shot your husband an exhausted look. He froze up, but reached across for the little baby, taking her from your arms suddenly, earning a harsher cry from Katsuko. Bakugou held Katsuko as he had been shown, hushing her as best he could.

You tapped your foot. "Well... looks like the baby's freaking out now..."

"I-I didn't mean to make her cry!" He harshly whispered.

You sighed. "Just calm her down... I'm going to go and make sure her nursery is still fine."

You started down the hallway, hearing the sounds of another pair of footsteps following you. You turned to look behind you, seeing Bakugou following you. You shook your head slightly, chuckling lightly. Looks like Katsuko wasn't the only one he was still overprotective of.

You'd let him have today... but come tomorrow, he'd need to calm down and let things happen without him trying to control it all.

You both finally arrived in Katsuko's nursery. You had done a lot of work in here it appeared while Bakugou had been off at his agency. The walls lined with soft pastel colors, lots of fluffy toys and blankets inside her crib and bookshelves lined with books you adored and wanted to her be read at bedtime when she got older.

"Shouldn't we move the crib to our room?" Bakugou asked you, seeing you shake your head.

"When we both go to bed then yes... but for little naps and stuff like this, she should be fine on her own. We want her to know she's here with us, but not to become dependent on us after all."

"She's only two days old woman..." Bakugou sighed. "But... if you think it's the right thing to do, then I guess I'll follow along and listen to ya."

You hummed. "Oh my... it seems after over ten years of knowing one another you finally decide to listen to me. Glad we can make so much progress together, Katsuki."

He rolled his eyes and you giggled lightly. Your feet padding against the carpeted floor and you held out your arms to the baby. Katsuko was no longer screaming, but she was still whining, looking unsettled and not sure of this new environment yet.

"Come on." You spoke softly. "Let me put her to sleep."

Bakugou nodded, feeling his heartache a little bit as he let you hold Katsuko once more. He really had become attached so easily, hadn't he? But... that couldn't be helped when he already knew after two days he had gotten the best child anyone could have.

The soft sound of your voice singing a melody and Katsuko silencing herself as you rocked her back and forth finally brought him back to reality and Bakugou looked out at the pair of you from where he was resting on the door frame.

It hit him for the first time at that moment, watching you gently sing a soothing lullaby to the sleeping baby in her crib. That this was his life now... and this was how his life would forever be with a daughter. And... he didn't mind it at all.

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt