Solving Climate Change with You

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You might be wondering if there is anything you can do to help fix Climate Change. And the answer is yes, and there are multiple ways to do, such as...

Donating: There are numerous charities that are dedicated to helping Climate Change in various ways. You can donate to these charities which will help them with their cause. Some charities include Defenders of Wildlife, Sierra Club Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, to name a few. Also, recently on Youtube, there is a movement called #TeamTrees, whose purpose is to plant 20 million trees before 2020 (2 months away). This operates by every dollar donated, a tree will be planted and you can donate at

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: This works by the supply and demand law. Reducing and reusing creates less demand for stuff, making companies create less stuff. This decreases air and land pollution along with fewer resources being used. Recycling is changing a product back into raw materials to be used again. As you probably notice, this is a cycle: fewer resources being used due to supply and recycling creates less land and air pollution. Not only does this decrease pollution, but this also allows for less energy to be used.

Spread Awareness: Spreading awareness allows for more people to know what Climate Change is and more people to help solve it. There are various ways you can spread awareness.

There are more ways to help which will be discussed next.

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