Coldest December

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The crunchy snow squelched under my tiny feet as I walked to school, I think school should be banned it's like some type of child abuse for 6 hours I am bound to take my piercings out maybe I should tell you my name I'm Danielle and I'm around 16 thanks to my amazing mum I was allowed to be home schooled for 2 years which was cool cause, I hardly did any work.

I arrived at school greeted by the smell of sweaty boys,girls perfume and the clip clop of high heel shoes whereas me I was wearing my nirvana shirt, some tight black jeans and my beautiful blue converse I felt underdressed, whereas you had the super fake bitches wearing pink everything. When I walked into class I noticed a scrawny boy with blue eyes and when I say blue I mean blue he smiled at me he still had all of his piercings in,which made him seem more irresistible I reached In my pocket and turned around to put all 5 of my piercings in, I turned around and sat next to him "Hi." I said he just replied with a raise of an eyebrow "Yes I'm talking to you." he smiled and scrunched up his face "Really, a pretty girl like you don't talk to well boys like me." I just held in my laughter " What do you mean boys like you." he sighed "Does the word goth come to mind at all." I just shake my head no I felt like asking his name but then I wondered will he like me? "Can I have a name to put to your beautiful face." I had a cringe attack when he said that "Danielle what about yours." Just as his mouth opened to spill out some words Mrs Ford came in "Danielle piercings out now!" She stared at the blue eyed boy who just smiled with glee "Logan you too." Mrs Ford said Logan is his name. Logan,Logan,Logan just repeated in my teenage brain.

After an hour of history I finally got out for recess and Logan just so happens to be beside me " Urm if you didn't already know my name is Logan." I smiled
"So I was wondering if I could have your number." I begin to think "You'll have to earn it." his smile fades "why."
Now I begin to feel bad "Okay but don't feel like you call me all the time." he gets his pen out his pocket as I call out my number he wrote it on his hand with a love heart "What does that mean." he smiled and walked away

The rest of the day was boring, no Logan or nothing I walk home with my feet soaking in the snow, when I got in I saw a text on my phone:
Hey wanna hang out
I replied with the most obvious answer:
Me:Who is this.
Logan:your crush.
Me: Haha Logan
Logan:so I'm not
Me: idk
Logan: wanna hang out

All of a sudden there was a knock at my door, "LOGAN." how did he know where I lived "I followed you home." level 100 creepiness much "I thought it'd be romantic" he smiled
"Okay come in."

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