I do, I really do

Start from the beginning

"Ok Nichols how do I look?"

"You clean up nice my friend" she responded

"Thanks so do you"

"Miss Vause are you ready for your clothing to be bagged?"

A man asked me

"Yes! Yes we are" I responded

I couldn't stop smiling this was the happiest day of my life. We grabbed our clothes and got into the car. Now we were on our way to hair and makeup which piper should have already left from.


We had just pulled up to the venue. I was extremely nervous I felt as if I was going to faint. I walk up to the wedding arch noticing pipers family and friends that I've made during my time in Ohio. I was stopped by pipers dad.

"Alex" he said


"I want to say I'm sorry. For how I treated you at the hospital. You truly are the love of my daughters life. I was so caught up in the fact that you sent her to prison that I didn't even thank you for keeping piper safe while she's been living in Ohio. Not only that but you've mad her the happiest I've ever seen when she's with you. I am so sorry." Bob said

"Thank you." I say trying to hold back my tears.

I walk further ahead to stand in place. Here we go.

Piper POV

"Ok now one last button in the back... and your ready!"

"Thanks Neri, umm did you get an answer from Polly and Larry? It's just that I'm starting a new chapter and I don't want to completely leave the old one without fixing things that I screwed up." I ask

"Actually yes!"

Neri opens the door and there was Polly standing there. I had asked for her to be my bridesmaid along with Neri but I didn't think she'd show even after the apology letter."

" hi piper, umm Larry is out there with everybody else." She says

She walks up to me and gives me a hug.

"You look beautiful and I forgive you but I also owe you an apology too. I was selfish I was to busy nursing myself that I didn't even to think of what kind of emotional state you'd be in after being released from prison. I should have never judged you for who you love as much as I did because yeah you might have ripped me one for getting with your ex fiancé but you let it go. And I didn't I didn't even want to try because I'd be left with the fact that I've done shitty things to you also. I'm sorry piper I truly am." Polly said

"It's ok it's all ok come here" with that being said I gave her another hug and we shared a couple of tears.

It was time to walk the aisle. Cal was supposed to walk me because I wasn't sure if my dad would show up but he did and he walked me down the aisle instead. The moment I saw Alex in a suit I almost pissed my pants. Neri was on Alex's side and Polly was on mine. Nicky of course took her original role as our personal marriage officiant. We wanted someone who has witnessed our strongest ups and downs to make us official, and what better person to do that other than Nicky.

We were now face to face.

Nicky POV

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Alex and piper in marriage. Since we're probably all going to hell anyway let's keep this non-religious eh?"

*The whole room laughs even pipers mother*

"You two have been fighting your way back to each other for the longest. And you know what? I'm glad you didn't stop fighting because I'd be pretty upset I mean come on! It's Alex and piper!"

*The whole room laughs again*

"But no seriously, let's get serious. Ultimately there comes a moment when a decision must be made. Two people ask each other if they are all each other need to fulfill each other's lives. Because let's be honest commitment brings fear along with it. But it's what you do with it that matters in the end, and these two battled. They battled themselves, each other, and others all around. And look we're it got them today, together joined as one. They've become a new creature together as one."

"Now I've talked entirely to long. Vows?"

I point towards Alex.

"Piper Elizabeth Chapman as you know I've struggled with a lot of things from my child hood. But the most difficult one I've struggled with is letting myself be hurt. Because sometimes it's a good thing to be hurt because that's how you grow in a relationship with anyone. Not even in a relationship just in life. But you piper showed me how to deal with a side of me that was broken, that I'd never think would be fixed. And for that I love you more than anything. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you until my dying breath." Alex said

"Piper?" I say pointing to her

"Alex Pearl Vause all of my life I've thought that I had to be a certain way for people to like me. And I can say with confidence that you are why I stopped caring. I've been told I'm a skinny privileged white girl, And that I cry to much, you know? All sorts of things. But you don't care you love me the way that I am. You hold me when I cry, every morning and night
shower you look through the mirror at me and compliment me on my body. And for that I love you more than anything." Piper said

"Wow! Beautiful just beautiful. But you know what is more beautiful? The rings!"

*The rings were brought over by piper's mom*

"Piper do you except Alex as your partner in life? To have and hold through sickness and health for the rest of your life?" I ask

"I do" piper says sobbing

"Then Alex slide that ring onto pipers finger."

"Alex do you except piper as your partner in life? To have and hold through sickness and health for the rest of your life?" I ask

"I do" Alex says wiping her tears with her index finger.

"Then piper slide that ring onto Alex's finger."

"And now, by the power invested in me by the state of Ohio, I hereby announce you wife and wife. You may kiss your brides."

*piper and Alex Share a long and love filled kiss. Running out to the car that reads "just married" they didn't know where they would end up. But where ever the ended up they'd be together. As a married couple.

Time jump (vauseman spin-off)Where stories live. Discover now