He stared right back at me with cold, unblinking eyes. 

A voice suddenly shouted, bringing me back to reality. Probably someone from the audience that had assembled around us.

  -" I called the cops. They're on the way." 

  Those words sent a chill of panick through my body. The thought of the police coming over is frightening. Noah might get in trouble. After all, there's a slight possibility that he has killed a soul. Nevertheless, I wasn't going to let that happen. 

    In a blur, I had grabbed Noah's hand and pulled him out of the coffeshop. He was hesitant at first but quickly got a hold of himself. He probably apprehended the situation. He needed to escape for his own life. Not that he was going to die but you know what I mean. Getting arrested for violence isn't a good record, either.

    We ran alongside the coast, his hand never leaving mine. This tactile connection was affecting me more than It should. It was an electrifying sensation, almost as the feeling you get when you feel someone's face close by on your cheek, or when someone softly whispers in your ear. 

  I shook my head hoping that the feeling would go away. Alas, it didn't. I simply ignored it and focused on the run, forcing my legs to push harder. My heart was beating faster and faster, pumping more blood to my body, I could feel the adrenaline flowing through it, as well. 

  A couple of minutes later, Noah stops, making me stop too since our hands were still joined. 

  -" Um.. Ivy, we can stop running now. I think we've gotten far enough." He manages to say, breathlessly. 

  -" No we can't stop yet; the cops might be chasing us. Let's carry on a little more. Look Noah, I couldn't forgive myself if you go to jail for a murder you only commited to save me."  I said with all honesty and a serious tone, looking directly into his eyes. 

  He, on the other side, was far from being serious. As soon as the words left my mouth, he roared with laughter. I raised my eyebrows, suspiciously, and glared at him. The sound of his laughter was noticeably agreeable and harmonic and I could listen to its all day, but, now was not the moment.

   I'm seriously worried sick about him and all he can do is make fun of me? That is unacceptable. 

 Once he's finally done sniggering he speaks; this time, with less humour:  

    -" Oh Ivy, you were serious." Oh so he finally noticed. -" Oh my God you seriously thought I killed the man, didn't you! " He asks.

   -" Well yes. I've seen you knock him out and the next thing I know he wasn't moving. Wait! So you mean you did not kill him ?"


   This was all so confusing to me.

  -" Of course not, silly! I might have broken his nose but he definitely isn't dead. I honestly thought you were joking. Did you really think that I would beat someone to death !?" A swell of relief  washed through me all of a sudden and the anxiety I felt earlier magically faded. At least he wasn't a murderer.  

   -" Well Noah I don't know, okay? I just thought that that punch could be the end of him. You hit him hard though."

  -" What was I supposed to do? Did you not hear what he had called you? He was totally being a dick."

  -" Yes I guess you're right. Honestly, i'm glad you beat him; he deserved it.
Oh and Noah?"

  -" Yeah?"

  -" Thank you." I said, meaning every word.

  -" No worries, Iv. Now let's head home. The night has fallen. "

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