Bucky and Natasha #1

341 9 1

Natasha walks into the common room

Nat: Hey, Buck, I heard some noises.

Bucky, hiding something under the couch: Oh, what kind of noises?

Nat, suspiciously: Barks.

Bucky laughs nervously as two puppies walks out from under the couch

Bucky: Oh, um, I got puppies

Nat: Why were you hiding them?

Bucky: I thought you'd be mad

Nat: Oh, please. I think it's nice.

Bucky: Really?

Natasha glares at him

Bucky: I named them after Steve and Sam

Nat, while petting them: Really? Won't it get confusing.

Bucky: Nope cause this one is Birdie, and this one is Little bitch

Nat: Obviously

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