CHAPTER 1 : back in 1989

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January 15 1963

Once , there is a family and they had a only child named Mercy . She is a beautiful young girl with a blue eyes and cream colored hair and a fair skin , everybody thinks that she is perfect cause she almost has anything. "I wish that i was her!" Every girl in the campus says . She also has a nice attitude and a friendly appeal to others thats why she has many friends and many boys wants to court her . But anything changed when she's in grade 11 in high school,  they had a school trip in northern part of the Asia , at first it seems so weird because of the atmosphere of the area and then they started to get lost . The school bus went to a forest in the middle of the place called
Kataiwandaieshiannilainn .

And there is only one way out . That is ... you have to leave one person and make sure that she or he Is pretty or handsome.

They say that its a mysterious place that no one could be in there , or else you'll be dead . But Mercy has pretty face so they leave hr alone in the forest . While finding the her way home , she saw a man with same age . "Help , please .. somebody help me! Im lost . Please HELP !" She shouted and screamed for help ,  "WHAT?, are you lost ! Come with me . Ill show you the way . Don't worry,  I will not hurt you" the man heard it so he ran to her and ask her some questions . She've walked a mile long and you think she didn't saw a difference "did we just go around ? We just stopped here earlier!"  . "No ! I know the way just eat this and walk with me!" The man say angryly. She still saw the tree houses in every 10 trees . She ate the food that the man gave her as they walk through the trees she felt something bad and she fell asleep.

After a few hours , "where am i? What is this place ? What is that ! Why am I tied up ? Help !" she woke up in a room with lots of bottles with water and a chopped finger in it and it looks like the water has a little blood so she got scared. She tried to stand up but she saw her feet tied up on the bed even her arms are . While trying to get out of it , the man came in and raped her . She feel embarassed and angry cause of what the man did to her , she is too young .

moments later she saw a knife and cutted the rope on her arms and feet and she escaped . "Thank God i already escaped there  , is that a phone ? I need to call mom right away !" She ran fast and saw a phone near the 4th tree house , she get it and called her parents and police .

And then she escaped the place . A few months after she went back to school to finish her 2nd semester but she always felt bad and getting worst and worst everyday . "Eww you are not perfect anymore mercy . Poor child , she is already pregnant or... pregnant with a monters (laughs) "her classmates says as they bully her. She saw that her tummy is getting big and big and thinks that they are rigth and then the year 1987 her tummy gets very gigantic , way bigger than a pregnant woman " mom! Help me it hurts so so bad! I think its comming out!" so she decided to have a pregnancy test and its answers positive,  she looked forward to the man that raped him ."oh no this can't be!"  She thinks that he is the father of the baby so she tell the truth to her parents , and then the next 2 years in the 26th of april she gived birth to a baby girl but it is small as a water bottle . She got scared but the is normal

"What name will you give to her ?" The doctor asked her , She named the baby Beth and used her Surname Harawatashi , as the baby grow up it doesn't speak or even walk and she doesn't Cry and thats creepy . But beth started to walk and speak a little when she is six years old ."Muum ... aaaam iii dddifffrentt ? Ii saw tthhem go tto schoooll and iii diidn't . Thatts unffaair muum !" She said to her. Mercy think of it first but she realized that like other kids she has to go to school to not feel different from others . "Ok you will go to school next year!" She answered.

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