Chapter 4: Bird

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Chapter 4

Why did Zero have to recognize me? He always messed up my plans. I just wanted a strong team without any hassle, but Zero had to make things difficult.

If only that was my only problem. The moment I nearly hack into the Web, they set me up with a new housing assignment. Knowing that they could not have known I was hacking, I packed up everything and waited.

They would not do this unless they had too many empty rooms. We lost many people in the last three years. It was bad before that, but it kept getting worse and worse. People who would openly oppose the Council disappeared within hours of their first outburst. The only person who had not disappeared was me, and I knew that I needed to speak to Pride soon.

I could feel the cameras on me. They were hidden in every home. The Council had replaced 'Big Brother' long ago. They were always watching their residents and deciding whether they could be useful or not.

I was useful until I went against their ideas in front of my crew. My crew was full of technicians. They all scanned the walls to see if there were cameras or microphones hidden in the walls before they spoke. Everyone shot down my beliefs because of what they found.

I'm now standing in front of the moving van. It floated a foot off the ground. All of my things, like computers, clothes, and furniture, were pack into the back of it. My assigned home was close to the barracks. Apparently, the family living in Pride's building wanted to move closer to City Hall. They wanted to get away from the edges of town. They had moved out this morning. We were basically switching.

 I moved to the driver seat only to see darkness. Some kind of cloth was thrust over my head and something was stabbed into my arm. My senses were dulled almost instantly. The rapid beating of my heart slowed, and the sound of shuffling feet faded into nothingness.


So, that was my shortest chapter ever. I'm sorry it wasn't long, but I hope you like it.

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