A/N: I'm back, and as you probably have noticed I'm NOT the fastest at updating. That's because I'm really busy but I'll try updating at least once a week. Thanks for the kind words for the introduction! I know that these first chapters are a little slow but just wait 'til we get into the full story.
Just to clarify, when you'll se the **** in bold, we are in the present. When you'll see the $$$$ in italic, it's the past. There will be a few jumps back and forward so stick with me, okay?
It's funny how you can ignore something important, without realizing that you're doing it, and it's all perfectly fine until life just punches you in the face and makes you realize what is really going on. And then you can't just ignore it anymore. You can't close your eyes and pretend that it's not happening. It's here. It's real. You can't avoid it. You have to face the truth, even if you don't want to. Even if it hurts.
There is no going back.
The night before
If there was one thing that made Alex happy, that was a cozy night with his boyfriend. It wasn't often that Scott had a free night and even less were the nights when they could actually spend time alone. There was almost always someone with them, whether it was Mitch, or Kirstie, or Jake or some of their other friends. Well, it was mostly Mitch to be honest, but Alex had learned quite early in the relationship that that was just the way it was.
Even if he truly loved and cared about Mitch, and he was happy that Scott had a friend like him, he couldn't wait for those times when he wasn't around. They spent an incredible amount of time together and it still didn't seem enough for them, and sometimes it was just too much for him to bear, and he would become snappy and just the sight of the two of them talking or being too close was enough to make him sick in his stomach.
Usually those were the nights when Scott would propose an intimate date and Mitch was nowhere to be seen until the morning after. Alex would be happy and jealous-free again and the two friends will feel free to be constantly together again.
When Scott had called him to invite him over for dinner, he couldn't have been happier. They had had a conversation going around for quite some time now and he had hoped that it could have been the perfect night to finally have an answer and figure out the next step in their relationship.
Yeah, no such luck.
"I can't believe how stupid I've been!"
Alex was in a full rant about how, in his opinion, Mitch and Scott were sleeping together. His eyes were wide with rage, his hair were sticking in a hundred directions from running his hands through them, his left leg was bouncing nervously, hitting the table, driving his friend completely insane.
Meanwhile Jake was just staring at him, trying to understand what the hell was going on. He couldn't believe what he had just heard coming from his mouth, there was no way that phrase could make sense.
"I think they're sleeping together."
He wanted to think that this was just one of those moments of anxiety that Alex sometimes had, like when the guys were on tour, together 24/7 - not that they weren't when they were in town, ya know, they shared the same apartment - but somehow this felt different.
"Ok, Al, stop freaking out. You need to talk to me. What is going on? Do you really think Scott is cheating on you?"
He didn't even want to hint again that he could be doing it with Mitch, he just couldn't do that to Alex. That was his worst fear. His friend tried really hard to not show his jealousy and he was usually successful. The only ones whom he showed it to were his bestfriends. Almost every Superfruit's episode was an absolute nightmare for Jake and Uliss - it was worse when Alex was there when they were filming it.

Seeing Through (Scomiche)
FanfictionAlexander Kirk is the first to notice. Mitch and Scott have been best friends for years, and they thought that nothing could change their friendship. But as life goes on and they're forced to make some changes, they realize that something is differe...