Yugioh fan Fiction part 2

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Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to get this part out! Report cards are tomorrow, and I think we all know how that feels. :( Here's the next part, hope you like it!

P.S. This part is going to be short, and it's only filler, so if you guys want you can skip this part, just trying to figure out if card games should take place or not. Give me your opinion, and I shall listen. Ok, here it is

Taylor's POV

Damn these cards are heavier than I thought! Who knew pieces of paper could be so goddamned heavy?! "Taylor, don't die!" screamed Yuki. "We need those cards for tomorrow!" "What we really need to get is a muzzle for you Yuki," Jessica said, annoyed out of her mind. "or else we'll all be deaf by tomorrow!" "Could you guys stop arguing and help me out here!" I screamed, about to die under 10,000 cards. "Sorry about that Taylor, they're ignorant as always." Kimberly said. "Thanks Kimberly, we're probably the only decent ones in the group." "I heard that!" shouted Yuki. "You were supposed to!" I screamed back. Then the most childish thing happened. She started crying. OMG she is such a whiny baby sometimes. Melody, being the softy that she is, started trying to comfort her. "Ok, don't cry Yuki, she was only annoyed. She didn't mean it." She said in a soft voice, somehow soothing Yuki. She had the unique ability to do that. "Yah, I guess I was pretty annoying. Sorry Taylor." "Yah, sure, that's great, now help me out here!" I screamed, my back starting to break. "Opps, sorry!" Then everyone finally came and helped me out here, and we walked home.

Veronica's POV

When we got home, we opened all the packs, and all the doubles we put for sale on eBay. We're gonna be rich by the end of the month. The best card I got was Devil's sanctuary, Jess got Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon,(She gave that to Kim, and Kim gave her Mystical Box) Melody's best card was Exxod, Master of the Guard, Taylor got Shooting Star Dragon, and Yuki got yet another Gandora, she has 15 already, but she likes it so much she never sells her extra. As you can guess she just loves destroying things. Mostly by burning them to the ground. Never put her in charge of dinner, or you're having burnt soup for dinner. Don't ask how, she just does it. We slept in early so that we were ready for school tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Ok guys, hoped you liked it, next part will be up sooner! Til then, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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