Now What?

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Once Josh realized that he was, in fact probably gay, he wasn't really sure what to do.  For the remainder of his time in Frankenmuth he kept on with his usual mantra of "I'm not gay I'm just busy" when asked about it, but he and Jake knew. 

It was only when the boys started recording in Detroit that Josh began to explore his sexuality. And explore he did. He and Jake shared an apartment in the city in order to be close to the studio, but Jake forgot he had a roommate half the time. Josh spent more nights in other people's beds than his own. Once Josh turned his attention towards men, he found himself with a plethora of volunteers willing to sleep with an up-and-coming rock star, no matter how inexperienced.

This behavior worried Jake. He was afraid Josh would get hurt. He is not, after all, a large man, and Jake was worried about him being taken advantage of. Jake decided once again to broach the difficult subject head on. He brought it up on one of the rare nights they spent together on the couch watching an old western.

"Hey Josh?"


"I'm worried about you."


"Well, you've been sleeping with a lot of random guys lately and I just want to make sure that you're okay."

"Yeah dude! I've never been better!"

"Okay, I just want to make sure that you know you don't have to try and compensate for time lost in high school yanno?"

"Um... yeah I guess so."

"Don't you ever want anything more?"

"I guess, but it seems kind of pointless don't you think? I mean we're going on tour as soon as Sam and Danny finish up school. I don't really think a guy is going to want to be tied down to someone who isn't even around most of the time."

"I mean maybe, but if it's the right person it could still work. I kind of like the idea of having someone to come home to."

"I guess you're right."

And so the seed of an idea was planted in Josh's head. Jake started to see more and more of Josh around the apartment. Josh started looking for someone who was maybe a little more than just one night of fun. 

Enter: Cameron Gallagher. Cameron was an intern at the recording studio. He was going to school for music and film production. He and Josh obviously connected over their common interests fairly fast. Cameron was tall and lanky. Taller than Josh by a good 6 inches. He had beautiful dark hair he wore in short waves around his head flowing back from the peak of his forehead. He had dark brown eyes that sometimes looked black. Josh thought he was the most gorgeous being he'd ever seen. You can probably guess what happened after this, but I'll tell you anyway.

Since Josh had gained some confidence when it came to guys, he decided to ask Cameron out as soon as he confirmed he was gay (this information was provided by another intern who was probably hoping Josh would get with her instead).  Cameron was absolutely adorable when Josh asked him to dinner. He blushed deep red and his eyes went wide with surprise.

"You mean like a date?"

"Yeah if that's something you'd be into!"

"Fuck dude why not!"

Josh was more than pleased with Cameron's response. Jake's words echoed in his head for the three days leading up to their date. "I kind of like the idea of having someone to come home to"

They ended up meeting at a good Mexican place for dinner on a Friday night. They talked mostly about their families and how they grew up. Cameron was born and raised in Springfield, Illinois so he was more used to city life than Josh was. He loved hearing about the way Josh grew up being wild and free out in the country.

"So you could just go anywhere? And your parents didn't freak out?" asked Cameron, amazed by the idea.

"Nah our parents are modern hippies. They knew we were just going out into the woods to hike or kayak. Well, I mean until we were teenagers and started coming home smelling like pot every night" Josh chuckled. "And even then they didn't really mind as long as we kept up with school and came home at some point."

"Yeah I think my dad would've slapped me unconscious if I told him I was out getting high with my friends"

And so the conversation continued on in this fashion for the whole meal with them swapping stories and being in awe of the differences. When they left the restaurant neither of them were ready to say goodnight so they decided to go to Cameron's apartment together. He lived in a small little studio on the third floor of a building six blocks from the restaurant. On the walk over Josh was thinking about how far things should go that night. He'd never found someone he thought he wanted to actually have a relationship with before so this was new territory. He was starting to get lost in a small spiral of anxiety when Cameron pulled him back down to Earth by grabbing his hand.

"Hey did you hear me?" asked Cameron. He seemed concerned as he looked at Josh's face.

"Oh sorry, no I was lost in thought for a second. What did you say?"

"We're here."

Cameron didn't let go of Josh's hand as they trudged up the stairs. He didn't want to let go ever, but he did have to unlock the door eventually. His apartment was small but it had a couple of windows that made it feel more open. He was a relatively tidy person which he was suddenly grateful for. The last thing he wanted Josh to think was that he was to immature to keep his stuff in order. Of course Josh never would have thought such a thing. In fact, he was surprised at how clean the space was, much unlike his own room.

Cameron asked if he wanted something to drink and Josh opted for coffee rather than alcohol. He wanted to be totally coherent for whatever might happen. Cameron made their coffee quickly and joined Josh on the small sofa. Josh wasn't the only one who wanted to know where their night was headed and Cameron decided to try and be smooth.

"So, what do you wanna do? We could watch a movie or keep talking or..."

Josh raised an eyebrow at the implication.

"Well there is one thing I'd like to do" he said with a small smile. "and how convenient! He's sitting right next to me!"

Cameron blushed hard at the cheesy line and carefully set his mostly untouched coffee down on the little end-table. Josh did the same and suddenly found himself with Cameron mostly on top of him. If Cameron was still feeling shy, he wasn't showing it. Josh let him take control for the rest of the night and did not regret it. They didn't do anything extreme in favor of just feeling each other. They used hands and mouths and each-other's pelvis to get off. Both were sticky and satisfied by the end of it. Josh was comforted by the fact that Cameron seemed just as new to this as he was. 

They showered separately since Cameron shower was so small. Josh asked if Cameron wanted him to stay the night.

"Ummm duh! I just had the best date of my life with you, we had sex, and now you expect me to kick you out? Not!"

"Well then I guess I'm staying" Josh said with a genuine smile and they got under the covers.

Josh hadn't felt so giddy with someone else like this before and he was so ready to give himself over to the feeling. 


AN: Is this bad? I hate the ending but I've been stuck on it since I posted the first chapter. I have to say I think I'm gonna be hella soft on this one. Josh + literally-any-male makes my heart go squeee!

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