Special: The Story Of New Zealand

Start from the beginning

Beam felt off-kilter, like his world had tilted several degrees and was now leaving him dizzy and unsteady.

It was a feeling previously unknown to him, and he wasn't sure how exactly to deal with it.


Beam startled out of his thoughts, turning to look at Forth who had a a mildly worried look on his face. "You okay? You seem a little out of it..."

He immediately plastered a pleasant smile on his face, preferring to lie than admit his actual feelings to a stranger. "Yes, I'm fine. Just... trying to adjust."

A thoughtful look crossed Forth's face as he spoke, "It must be quite hard for you, having to move so far away from home. Even the language is so different. Honestly my Thai is decent at best, I really don't know how I would fare if I had to move to Thailand."

"Your Thai earlier was quite good though." Beam replied.

"That's because I was only using basic words." Forth retorted before leaning in closer to him. "I actually didn't really understand everything your mother said to me. She did ask me to take care of you right?"

For the first time since he had arrived here in New Zealand, Beam laughed. His laughter came straight from his chest and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop it.

Forth merely smiled, eyes twinkling in amusement as his laughter finally died down.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me." Beam apologised, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Don't. I like seeing you smile."

The compliment startled Beam a little. Luckily he wasn't the kind to blush easily.

Forth still seemed to notice though by the way he chuckled, leaning in once again. "From now on, let's stick together okay?"

The only thing Beam could do was nod his head.

And that was how he became friends with Forth Jaturapoom.


Being friends with Forth was easy.

The elder took his responsibility of helping Beam adjusting quite seriously, showing around the school the first few days to make sure he wouldn't get lost.

Along the way, the pair talked a lot. Forth was quite interested in what life was like in Thailand, having never been to the country before.

His parents had left way before he was born, and with both sets of grandparents having passed away and no aunts or uncles, there hadn't been any reason for them to ever return.

They had still taught him and his siblings the language though, rationalising that being fluent in two languages was better than one.

Beam, having actually grown up in Thailand, was by far better than Forth in the language, his words coming out smoothly as they chatted in Thai.

This was his own suggestion, so that he could work on improving his command of the language with a native, so why was he getting so distracted by the melodic nature of Beam's voice?

Had the Thai language ever sounded so nice before? How strange.

"Are you paying attention?"

Forth flinched as a sharp pain erupted from his forehead where Beam had flicked it, noticing his distraction.

"Pay attention Forth." Beam stated firmly, glaring at him.

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