Meeting the Parents

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Nora started to shift in Mikey's arms. Everyone looked at her in confusion. Slowly, her eyes began to flutter open, revealing Chestnut Brown orbs. At first, everything was blurry. She blinked several times, shaking the tiredness out of her system. Soon enough, everything started to clear. There, giving her that same reassuring smile, was Mikey standing above her. She tilted her head before noticing other figures by her left side. She looked towards the figures to see three other Mutant Turtles. She clung to Mikey, wrapping her arms around his neck. Mikey softly chuckled, earning a confused look from Nora. He gave her an even more reassuring smile. "Nora, calm down; These people are my Birth Family..." Mikey stated soothingly. Nora looked back at them, seeing smiles on their faces. Nora slowly took a deep breath before nuzzling closer to Mikey. She looked at Mikey with a blush. Mikey shared the same blush. Dionysus and Zoomo had, "I ship it" faces while Saoirse's smile grew wider. 'My Baby Boy has grown up so fast!' Saoirse thought happily. Mikey sheepishly chuckled before looking back at his family. Nora reluctantly followed his gaze, unsure if they were like Mikey's other "Family". "Okay... Nora, the female is my Mother, Saoirse," Mikey began, pointing towards his Mother. Saoirse smiled and waved. Mikey looked towards the two males while pointing at them. "The lighter male of the two is my Father, Dionysus," Dionysus smiled and bowed. Nora nodded, then nuzzled Mikey. Mikey chuckled before looking at his Uncle. "Last - but certainly not least - is my Uncle, Zoomo." Mikey stated playfully. Zoomo chuckled before waving at Nora. Nora giggled before waving back. "Hello, I am Nora!" Nora stated happily. Mikey chuckled. Nora giggled again. 'They are in so much Love.' Zoomo thought admiringly, having a look of pure shipping on his features. Mikey and Nora noticed this and began to blush. Mikey looked back at Nora and realized that he was still holding her bridal style. Mikey softly coughed before slowly setting Nora down. Nora, too, noticed this and set her feet on the ground. Saoirse giggled at her son's shyness. Dionysus softly smiled at the young couple before him. Mikey gingerly rubbed the back of his neck. His blush grew to a light scarlet. Nora balanced on one foot while showing a dark pink. Saoirse clapped her hands, earning everyone's surprised attention. "Whelp, how about we talk more over dinner? I made Pineapple Ham with Pumpkin Pie!" Saoirse stated joyfully. Mikey gasped before jumping up and down like a joyful child. Nora giggled at his child-like behavior. Mikey stopped jumping and blushed. Saoirse giggled before looking at Nora, a smile plastering her features. "You do like that stuff, right?" Saoirse asked calmly. 'I may need to add something else...' Saoirse thought worriedly. Nora nodded before replying. "Yes, I do like Ham and Pumpkin Pie!" Nora stated happily. Saoirse mentally sighed in relief, her smile growing wider. "Well, that's good! Cerberus didn't inform us that we were meeting his Mate-to-be." Saoirse stated truthfully, giving her son a, "What the shell" look. Mikey rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish chuckle sounding evident. Nora softly blushed to this. Everyone softly laughed before they heard a growl. They looked at Zoomo, who had the, "Aw shiz" face. Mikey chuckled again. "I guess we should go eat, huh?" Mikey asked playfully. Everyone laughed again before they started to walk to the Dining Area for Mutant Kraang (D.A.M.K).

'I am so glad that they like her!' Mikey thought happily. The group was still walking to the D.A.M.K. All the while, Nora was gingerly clinging to Mikey's arm in a calm manner. Mikey snuck in a few glances, making sure that Nora was comfortable. Nora felt his eyes on her, so she looked at him and playfully stuck out her tongue. Mikey's eyes grew wide before his blush came back. Nora giggled to his reaction. Saoirse, Dionysus, and Zoomo continued walking with admiration on their faces. Finally, after several minutes of walking, they made it to the D.A.M.K. "Well, here we are!" Saoirse stated happily. The huge room had a long, white table with several chairs. There were plates, silverware, cups, and napkins on the table. Behind it were doorways that led to different rooms. Nora looked on in fascination. 'This room is huge!' Nora thought admiringly. Mikey chuckled, having seen the excitement in her eyes. Mikey gently grabbed her hand, indicating that they could walk in. Nora noticed this and slowly walked in with him. Soon after, the rest of the Family joined in. Once in, Nora looked around some more. The walls were grey with pink lightning-like lines on them. 'Haven't I seen those lines somewhere before...?' Nora thought quizzically. Once they were in front of the table, Mikey pulled out a chair, ushering Nora to sit. Nora nodded before sitting down, Mikey pushed the chair in. "Thank you, Love." Nora stated lovingly. Mikey blushed before chuckling. He began to sit down. "It's no sweat, Love." Mikey stated back, Love sounding evident in his calm voice. Saoirse giggled at their loving behavior, while Dionysus and Zoomo chuckled. When they sat down, they saw a Kraang float in. Nora looked at the Alien quizzically. 'I've never seen him before...' Nora thought calmly. Mikey held her hand again. 'Don't worry, Love. He won't hurt you.' Mikey thought reassuringly. Nora looked at Mikey through the corner of her eye. She began to softly smile. 'If you say so, Love...' Nora thought lovingly. They looked back at the floating Kraang. "Hey, Dionysus. Have you seen the Mutant Radar?" The Kraang sheepishly asked. Dionysus chuckled. "Yeah, it should be near Cerberus's room." Dionysus stated reassuringly. The Kraang chuckled before turning around. "Okay, thanks!" The Kraang stated before floating away. Mikey gave his Father a confused look. "Wait... Why is it near my room?" Mikey calmly questioned. Dionysus chuckled before looking at his Son. "Well, Cerberus, we switched the Control Room to be near your room, so that way it wasn't as easy to find." Zoomo stated calmly. Mikey nodded in understanding. Nora looked down, having seen colors below her. There, laying perfectly still, was a slice of Ham with Pumpkin Pie on the side, Nora looked at it with fascination roaming her once calm features. 'The food can teleport?!' Nora thought excitedly. Mikey chuckled at his Mate-to-be's excitement. Saoirse giggled before looking at everyone. "Well, now that the food had cooled enough, let's eat!" Saoirse stated happily. Everyone nodded before digging in. As soon as the Ham entered their mouths, they could taste the Pineapple, Ham, and soft spices. Mikey chuckled through his food. He looked over to his Mother when he swallowed his food. "This is amazing, Mom!" Mikey stated happily. Nora nodded in agreement. Saoirse giggled again before looking at the Young Couple. "Why, thank you both!" Saoirse stated sweetly.

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