Girl: Of course Mr. Kim

On the other hand, jungkook drinks his drink looking down sighing jimin cheers him up as JK drops off jimin he goes back home seeing taehyung's car is there getting out slamming the door getting inside seeing his husband in the living room going to him crossing his arms taehyung notices him looking up at his The younger bunny

Taehyung: You look mad

Jungkook: Care to tell me who was that girl you we're with at the shopping center

Taehyung laughs falling down the couch jungkook kept on a serious face angry having his arms crossed

Taehyung: ok baby I got a question how are you jealous if she's the wedding planner to our own wedding?

Jungkook blushes looking away covering his mouth

Jungkook: I didn't know forget it!

Taehyung chuckles pulling jungkook on his lap kissing his lips smiling

Taehyung: you're so jealous

Jungkook: I just don't like girls are close to you

Taehyung: That's jealousy baby boy but don't worry I only got eyes for you

Jungkook looks away as taehyung kisses him softly the younger giggles kissing back the older kisses jk's neck making him giggle and laugh holding him tight

Taehyung: You know I love you Jungkookie

Jungkook: I love you too

Tae gives him one more peck before getting up the younger giggles the older takes a shower jungkook smiles getting up about to make dinner as taehyung gets out the shower he cooks dinner instead

Jungkook: hyung I can do it

Taehyung: No you relax baby

Jungkook pouted facing taehyung kissing him as the older held his waist still cooking the younger giggles jumping onto the tiger male taehyung chuckles as jk's arms and legs are wrapped around his shoulders and waist clinging onto him taehyung sets him on the counter still cooking

Jungkook: Hyung?

Taehyung: Yes baby?

Jungkook: back in highschool you acted like such a bad boy before you met me

Taehyung: You're point?

Jungkook: You became a good boy after you came to daegu

Taehyung puts his utensils down slapping his thigh making jungkook whimper as he pulls him closer by his hair whispering in his ear with his deep voice

Taehyung: I'm gonna show you what a bad boy I can be in bed

Taehyung lets go as jungkook blushed covering his face taehyung smirks cooking dinner chuckling JK couldn't help it his deep voice makes him shake and whine just hearing his hot breath was so good to him

Jungkook: Hyung you make me blush with you're deep voice

Taehyung: Do you like when I talk dirty to you in my deep voice baby boy?

Jungkook: n-no

Taehyung chuckles kissing jungkook deeply finishing cooking after eating the next day taehyung and JK had to go see how the wedding was gonna be designed or if it's even finish by now taehyung holds the younger's hand driving to the address smiling they park as they get out holding each other happily

Girl: Ah taehyung! You came just in time! We are almost finished with the decorations!

Taehyung: I'd like to show my wife how it'll look like

Girl: Of course so happy to meet you Mrs. Kim

Jungkook: Call me jungkook it's fine

Girl: Alright I will you're so adorable and nice now come on follow me!

The woman shows them the place where they'll get married as jungkook was amazed looking at it

Girl: This is just when it is time we're just setting it up so we can show the bride and groom

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Girl: This is just when it is time we're just setting it up so we can show the bride and groom

Jungkook: It's beautiful

Taehyung: Yeah looks nice

Girl: Now over here will be the after party after the reception and everything else

The woman shows it to them smiling showing them as jungkook looked around smiling taehyung likes seeing the younger all happy

The woman shows it to them smiling showing them as jungkook looked around smiling taehyung likes seeing the younger all happy

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Jungkook: I love it!

Taehyung: You did a well job my wife loves every detail

Girl: Thank you Mr. Kim

Jungkook: I'd like to thank you for trying to make our wedding memorable

Girl: Oh jungkook that's my job I hope I try my best to make it memorable for you and you're husband

Jungkook: Thank you so much

Taehyung: I'll contact you when it comes to time thank you

Taehyung holds jungkook's waist taking him home as they we're in a red light he sees a cute smile on his face chuckling softly thinking he was too adorable

Taehyung: Did you really like it?

Jungkook: I did hyung I just want everything to be perfect

Taehyung: Me too now come on let's go home

Jungkook nodded getting a bit closer laying his head on his shoulder taehyung kisses his forehead caressing his hair as he drove the way home with one hand on the stirring wheel and another around his baby's waist as he fell asleep during the car ride


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