Alex raises his eyebrows while pointing at Scott. "This is Ant Man?"

I nod, smiling at Scott. "This is my brother Alex. He's a shapeshifter like me."

Scott's face lights up. "That's awesome! There are two of you? Well technically three, but one's bad. Can you do everything Soroya can do?"

Alex nods, looking very amused. "I can also shoot fire from my my mouth and lasers from my eyes."

A look of shock goes over Scott's face, but I quickly glare at my brother and shake my head at Scott. "He's joking. Come on, let's go talk to Shuri."

Shuri greets Scott very enthusiastically. I can see the excitement in her eyes about messing with the Pym Particles. It's like giving a puppy a new toy.

"I really do appreciate this Scott, especially you coming here to bring them in person."

Scott wraps an arm around my shoulders, squeezing me tightly. "You were just held captive, I wanted to see you and make sure you're okay. Do you have a plan to get this chic?"

I nod. "I'm going to send her a message and tell her where to meet. Shuri and Bruce are making a serum to take away her powers and mask everyone's scents so we can surround her."

Scott nods firmly. "I'm totally in."

I shake my head. "Scott, are you sure? I wouldn't want to take you away from Hope or Cassie. Not when you just got them back."

Scott doesn't take no for an answer. "You're my friend. I got your back, no matter how big or small the problem is."

I wrap my arm around his waist, leaning my head against his shoulder. I then look to Shuri, still seeing that glint of childlike excitement in her eyes. "When will the suit be ready?"

"With the Pym Particles, maybe another day. We are already well into the serum to mask our scents, but the serum to cure your powers is very tricky."

"What can I do to help? Do you need my blood to test?"

A seriousness comes over Shuri and she adamantly shakes her head. "You just we're used as a test monkey, I'm not going to do that to you. I refuse."

I let go of Scott, grabbing onto Shuri's hand. "Will using my blood help get the job done faster? Just answer the question."

Shuri lets out a sigh, reluctantly nodding her head. I give her a serious look, saying with all honesty; "We need to do whatever it takes to get this serum made. I trust you with my life. This is nothing like Analiese. You won't hurt me."

Shuri still doesn't look okay with it, but then Alex appears at my side, nodding to Shuri. "You can use both of us. The process will go faster with two blood banks."

Shuri looks between the two of us, before rolling her eyes and setting the Pym Particles down on her work counter. "Alright, but there's gonna have to be some precautions. Bucky, I'm gonna need your help."

Bucky is immediately at my side, listening to Shuri intently. "I have no clue how long this will take, and unfortunately they're right; we need their blood to do this. They already have both serums in their blood, so it's easier than making both serums from scratch and working from there. While Bruce and I work on the serums, I'll need you to help me make sure they don't go into Hypovolemic shock."

Bucky nods. "What do I have to do?"

"I'm going to give you a set of Kimoyo Beads and you're going to use it to monitor their blood pressure and the amount of blood in their bodies. When Soroya was brought back here, she had lost 41% of the blood in her body, which is why it was so life threatening. Anywhere past losing 30% of your blood is deadly. You need to make sure they don't lose that much. The moment the beads tell you they've lost more than...let's say 20%, you tell me and we need to get liquids and give them oxygen masks. That will make sure their organs don't fail."

Shuri hands him a set of beads, then gestures to Alex and me. "Get out of your clothes and into the hospital gowns. We need to get to work."

"What can I do to help?" Scott asks.

"I think we'll be good down here. What you can do though, is start investigating the couple of attacks Analiese just did. We need to see which attacks are getting the most press or if there's any press covering them at all. I need to send her a message she'll see. Her seeing it needs to be guaranteed."

Scott touches my shoulder, nodding his head to me. "I'm on it."

I look over to Alex. "Call Khari and tell him to get back here. I don't want Scott to get lost."

Alex nods. "Good idea."

Bucky gives me a weary look. "I really don't like this, Lena. Are you sure—"

"Yes, Liebchen. I'm sure. It's the only way we're going to win."

Bucky looks down at the beads, wrapping them around his wrist, nodding his head firmly. "Alright then. Let's do this."

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