IX. Cappuccinos And Case Files

Start from the beginning

He smiles at me. "Anything for you. I'll help you look through the files in a minute, you want some coffee?"

I nod eagerly. "Did you get the new cappuccino machine?"

His smile widens. "I did. Will you have one too, Khari? Alex? Barnes?"

Khari nods his head, as does Alex. Bucky silently shakes his head, grabbing onto the box. He goes into the living room and sits on the floor, spreading the documents out in front of him. I sit on the floor next to him, placing a kiss on his cheek. He closes his eyes for a second, contemplating something in his head before letting out a sigh. He's definitely still angry with me, but even that won't stop him from grabbing onto my hand and kissing my knuckles, rubbing them softly before refocusing his attention back on the box.

The five of us spend the next few hours reading through the files; trying to find any whisper of a shapeshifter besides me and Alex. If anyone would have files on another shapeshifter I would assume it would be HYDRA or S.H.I.E.L.D. But since we found no leads there, we're trying to find a needle in a haystack. This woman just doesn't exist. There's no record of another person like us. She obviously can't control her powers, so I find it hard to believe she's never been caught until now. Someone must have helped her hide. But who?

Around dinner time is when we finish, with papers covering every inch of the living room floor. Khari, who is reading a file with his head resting on Alex's lap, looks over to me. "Have you tried calling Everett?"

I nod my head. "I did earlier. He said he didn't find anything but would send some people out to look into it. He said he would come back to us with any answers."

Bucky's brows knit together. "Everett?"

"Everett Ross. He's a CIA Operative."

Bucky releases a sigh. "The man who held me captive when I was in Vienna?"

I hesitate for a moment before nodding my head. "He helped us take down Killmonger. He's also worked with me several times in the past five years. He's a good man, he was only doing his duty. He could have turned me in, but instead he trusted me and helped me get off the FBI wanted list."

I can tell this still bothers Bucky, but he slowly nods his head. Silently, he makes his way out of the living room and towards the back door. I watch as he sits down on the top step of the porch, his hands resting on his knees.

I rub at my face, sensing someone sit down next to me. When I look I see that it's Rhodey, who gives me a sympathetic smile.

"He feels uncomfortable with me being on the team. We were hunted and on the run for so long, he still thinks the world is out to kill us."

Rhodey wraps an arm around my shoulder. "He has every right to be uncomfortable about that. It will take time for him to get used to it."

I raise my eyebrows at him. "I'm surprised you're sympathizing with him."

Rhodey sighs. "I may not trust him, but I trust you. If you tell me he's a good person, then I believe you. But I don't want you to start thinking you can't rely on us for help because of his worries. Whether he likes it or not, you're an Avenger. We stick together."

I nod my head reassuringly. "I would never think that. Especially not of you."

"Good," He says, rubbing my shoulders once before sitting himself up, being careful not to step on a reclined Khari as he makes his way out of the living room. "I insist you all stay the night. It's getting late and making the trip back to Wakanda will be tiring."

"As long as you're okay with it." I say.

Rhodey nods. "Of course I am. I'll order us something to eat, how does Chinese sound?"

Alex and Khari both sit up, with Alex looks eager as he says; "What's it taste like? I've never had it."

Rhodey looks over to me for confirmation he's never had it. I sadly nod. It was definitely a crime Alex has never had it before. Rhodey grabs onto Alex's shoulder, handing him the menu. "Let me enlighten you."

As the three of them begin to discuss what Chinese food is the best, I make my way out to the porch. I sit myself down next to Bucky, leaning my head against his shoulder. "We can trust him."

"I know."

"But do you? I can see you tense up whenever I mention one of my team members. I understand why it makes you uncomfortable, but remember what I keep telling you? You can't always expect the worst of people. These people are good and they only want to help us."

He leans his head on top of mine, letting out a sigh. "I do know that...but there's still part of me that thinks we're still on the run; that anyone knowing you or I will end with us both being behind bars or worse. The fact everyone knows your face, that you pay for everything using Stark's money, that I saw a mural painted of you on a building in Hamburg, that I saw a child with a savage shirt on...it just makes me paranoid someone will get to you."

"I know I didn't make that any better by leaving last night. It was stupid and I know that, but I just felt such a pull towards her. My powers had been acting up so much I figured it was nothing. I should have gotten you first."

Bucky pulls back from me, and I can see the seriousness in his eyes as he tells me; "You tell me you're terrified of anything ever happening to me? Of me leaving you again? You think I don't have the same fears? I can't even fathom a life without you. Now there's another person who is after you and we don't know who we're up against or what they want."

I let out a deep breath, slipping my hands into his. "I know. I know this is all a lot to take in. But If you don't trust the Avengers, then trust me. Trust that I know who these people really are and know that they only want to keep us safe."

He nods his head, rubbing his metal thumb over my knuckles. "I'll try."

"And next time you're angry with me, please talk to me. Don't shut me out."

"I wasn't trying to. I'm-I'm really trying to be open with you. And with Alex and Khari. You're the three I know I can trust."

I smile at him, squeezing his hands. "And for that I couldn't be more proud of you. Though I think a therapist would still benefit you."

He chuckles, bringing both of my hands up and kissing my knuckles. "Baby steps."

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