That was unexpected...

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If you didn't read the description, Maxine White is my OC. 

Maxine's POV

I sighed and pulled out my phone. I was sitting on the subway heading to my new school. I scrolled through my playlists and selected the one titled "Strong". I put on my favorite Bluetooth headphones and settled in for the 15-minute ride to the school. I had just gotten off a plane from my home town in the U.S.A.

The subway train stops at the station closest to the school and I trudge up the steps into the bustling streets. I walk by a storefront and catch a glimpse of my reflection. Black curly hair with purple and blue streaks, (and an attitude it would never stay in place!) leather jacket, ripped jeans, old black converse high tops I got at a thrift store, and my prized galaxy headphones. I chuckle at myself. I look 16 at the youngest but my 13th b-day was only 5 months ago. I keep heading in the direction of the school and I see a si-



"Woah there honey, just slow down"

The person that almost ran me over is just a young girl with blue hair pulled back into pigtails, blue eyes, and a cute outfit that looks...hand-stiched?

"It's okay I'm fine. What are you in a rush for?" I hold my hand out to her and help her up.

"I'm late for school which starts in-" she pulls out her phone and glances at the screen, "45 MINUETS!!!!??? That must be why my alarm didn't go off!"

I chuckle at the flabbergasted girl,

"Where do go to school?"I ask

"Françoise Dupont High School" she answers.

"That's where I'm going to school too."

"Really? I've never seen you before."

"Yeah, I'm new, I was forced into the foreign exchange program at my school and today's my first day." 

"Hey, since I have 45 minutes until school starts, do you want to come in and have a pastry? It's the least I could do since I ran into you"

I decline and say I have to stop at a store on my way to get some supplies and it wasn't her fault I should have been looking where I was going. I honestly did want a pastry and I didn't have to stop at a store but I didn't want to impose and I wanted my first impression to be different.

 I turned and walked away from the school down a less inhabited street. The further along, I was though, the sketchier it got. I was pretty sure it was an alley and I tried to find my way out but then I heard someone screaming and I took off running. It was a woman clutching her purse with a man threatening her with a knife.

"Give me your money!" The man yelled, "and shut up you little wh-"


The man looked at me. I was regretting my decisions but there was no backing out now. I picked up a rusted pipe that was about the length of my forearm and brandished it.

"Leave her alone."

"Make me little girl."

He ran at me and I dodged his flailing arm and his momentum carried him into a trash pile. I ran to the woman who was just standing there and I grabbed her shoulders shaking her out of her stupor.

"Go! Get some help!" I told her

She nodded and ran down the alleyway. I watched her run away and turned. The man was coming at me again and I tried to doge again. He anticipated it though and stuck out an arm, grabbing my hair and pulling me to the ground. He kicked me in the ribs as I tried to get up and I was sure I'd have a bruise by tomorrow. If I lived to see tomorrow that is. At least he must have lost his knife when he fell into the trash.

He kicked me again this time in the head for good measure then started to drag me away from where the woman ran off. 

The edges of my vision started to grow dark but I heard someone...

A boy? 

He was standing on a.... cane? But it was shiny like metal.

"tsk tsk you know that's not the way to treat a lady"

The man pulled me up and held his knife to my throat.

"One step closer and she gets it"

I was standing now and without remorse, I kicked him.


In a place, guys don't like to be kicked in.

 He crumpled to the ground and dropped his knife. I stumbled to the wall of the alley and slid down. My vision was going dark but the boy was trying to tell me something. I looked at him and made out "get don't....good....hold on...ready?"

I nodded then regretted it because my head was pounding. He grabbed my arms and wrapped them around him. I looked at him and he nodded I tightened my grip and nodded again 

"hold tight"


that happened.

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