A Fun Time

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(Sup guys! Here's the newest chapter. Ima try and get a regular schedule going of getting a chapter in on either Saturdays, sundays, or mondays (because a treat on a Monday makes the day much better :D ) or sometimes at random cause I feel like writing. but anyway, here's this week's chapter!)


*vrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... vrrrrrrrrrrrr.... vrrrrrrrrrr....*

"Urrrrrrgh... Fuck off alarm, five more minutes" rolling over in my bed, I put the blankets over my head.


"Oh for sweet momma's sake. FINE. IM UP." Throwing off the sheet of my bed I stand up and check the time to see how early the thing had waken me up.

"8:15 huh? ....wait... OH NO." I yelled as I rushed to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead of me.

"MAAAAASONNNN! IM TRYIN TO SLEEP, WHY ARE YA MAKING SUCH A RUCKUS?" Came a yell from the living room. Eric had woken up from his hibernation. I had woken a beast.

"Oh shut up ya big bear, I'm getting ready for a day with KDA remember?" I yelled back to him, waiting for a response.

"Yeah yeah! Dont fuck it up alright bro? Wish I could go with you since I dont have anything to do today..."his voice trailer off, but this gave me an idea.



"I have an idea for something you could do for today, that could earn us some cash." Smirking as I said this, I walked into the living room wearing a cutoff sleeve T-shirt, and khaki shorts with my earbuds in pocket and phone in hand to face him.

"And what would that be your mighty pencilness?" he said smirking back

"I'm gonna need you to go to Performance Square and use my guitar and sing." I said smiling, only to be met with a smile from Eric as well

"You know I haven't played a guitar in a long while right? And only started singing again because of the songs you have me help you write?" He said chuckling as he did.

"Yeah yeah, but this way you get some more practice in and this way, you can get some cash to buy more crispy crispsssssss" I told him, drawing out the word crisps to gain a reaction from him. Which I did.

"OH HELL YEAH MAN, ILL DO IT." He almost instantly shot up from the recliner and grabbed the guitar case.

"Hey... HEY CAREFUL WITH THAT ERIC!" I snatched the guitar from him.

"Go out to performance square and perform for several hours with songs we know or you know on guitar. Who knows, maybe I'll get off the KDA meeting fast enough to come help out."

"Oh hell if you would take a short amount of time with KDA, youd probably live with them and never come back if you had the choice" he said and laughed extremely loudly.

"Oh yeah right, I wouldnt leave your sorry butt here in the dorm by yourself. Youd burn the place down without me." I said, starting to laugh myself.

"You know. You're probably right, but even with you here itd still happen!" At this we both started laughing and gave each other a high five.

I handed him the guitar and told him to head out sometime before or after lunch if he could. And after saying this I left the dorm and walked through the city to the Entertainment Hall.

Time skip to the Entertainment Hall

"8:55 just on time..."

???: "You got that right buddy." Came a familiar gruff voice from behind me.

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