The Fight to Save a Life

Start from the beginning

There, slouching on the floor and couch, was a First Aid Kit. Donnie gingerly grabbed it and looked at it. When he opened it, he saw a note. "I know I sprained Leo's ankle. So, you will have to heal it. Michelangelo~" After Donnie had finished reading it, he turned towards Leo. "Raph, help Leo sit down." Donnie stated seriously. Leo and Raph had confused looks before they both sat down. Donnie walked over to Leo's left leg. Indeed, Mikey had sprain Leo's ankle. It looked bruised and swollen. 'It must have been from the several falls.' Donnie thought reasonably. Donnie grabbed the ointment and rubbed it on Leo's ankle. Leo flinched, causing Raph to look at his Brothers in confusion. "What's wrong, Fearless?" Raph asked, confusion hitting his voice. Donnie looked up at Leo and Raph. "Mikey sprained Leo's ankle." Donnie stated, sounding surprised with the words he bared. Leo and Raph's eyes widened. Donnie looked back down to grab the gauge. "It must have been from the two times that he made Leo fall." Donnie finished warily. Leo and Raph looked at each other with shock, unable to believe that their Baby Brother did this. Splinter softly opened his eyes. "Michelangelo's eyes were glowing Pink before he saw me..." Splinter softly spoke. After Donnie wrapped Leo's ankle, he looked at Splinter with a grim face. Splinter looked at Donnie, confusion boiling over. All was silent. Nothing could be heard, but the soft ringing in their ears. "I know, I still can't believe I did that..." Everyone turned towards each other, having heard a voice. "I know, I know. I didn't mean to hurt them, but they were going to do it!" The voice stated, having sounded desperate. When no one moved their mouths, they grew even quieter. Donnie faced Mikey's door before standing up. He quietly walked towards the door, worry beginning to grow. 'Who is he talking to...?' Donnie thought quizzically. He grabbed his T-phone and checked the time. '12:45 pm. Casey and April should still be in school.' Donnie thought boldly. He could feel his heart pounding in his plastron-covered chest. The closer he walked, the more he could hear. "N-no, we didn't kiss. We were about to, when they showed up." The voice stated. It sounded bashful at the beginning, but switched to bitterness at the end. Donnie softly gasped. 'Mikey's talking to someone about us!' 'Who is it Mikey trusts that much, if it isn't April or Casey...?' Donnie questioned. The next thing anyone heard was something smack on the floor and shuffling. Then, it sounded like something was glitching. As if it were some code. 'Tap' 'Tap' 'Tap' 'Creak' Donnie saw Mikey standing in front of him. Mikey looked annoyed, his eyes beginning to glow again. Donnie gulped before smiling. Mikey rose an invisible brow, his cold gaze never shifting. 'Okay, Donnie; You need to Think!' 'What will get him to calm down?' 'A game...?' 'Maybe a statement about Leo's injury?' 'No, that may temper him...' Donnie thought frantically. After several minutes of staring, Mikey rolled his eyes. "Listen, Braniac, if there was something you needed, care to tell me...?" Mikey stated in annoyance. Everyone's eyes went wide. Raph held back a snicker, Leo looked shocked with fear, and Splinter looked deeply concerned. 'What has happened to my sons...?' Splinter thought worriedly.

Donnie nervously chuckled before rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, Mike! I just wanted to know if you wanted to play a video game!" Donnie lied. He really wanted to know what Mikey was doing, but he didn't know how to attain the information. 'Maybe a video game will help...' Donnie thought calmly, his nerves beginning to chill. Mikey's look never changed. In fact, it grew into a cold glare, much to everyone's worry. "Now why, pray tell, would you want to 'play' with me...?" Mikey asked skeptically. Donnie looked offended by this. 'What...?' Donnie thought, unable to process the hatred in his younger Brother's voice. Donnie sighed. "Mikey, come on, You're my Baby Brother. Of course I want to play with you..." Donnie stated reassuringly. Mikey scoffed and looked away from Donnie. Donnie looked at Mikey with worry. 'What happened to him...?' Raph thought, unable to believe the bitter tone that came from his Baby Brother. Leo and Splinter looked concerned for the youngest member of the team. "Mikey...?" Donnie questioned, extending a hand towards his Brother. Mikey saw this and grabbed Donnie's wrist with a strong grip. Donnie squeaked, having not seen it coming. Raph stood up, looking ready to fight. Donnie winced, feeling pain shoot through his wrist. Mikey pulled Donnie down, until they were at eye level. Mikey's glare grew even colder and Donnie's look of pain turned into fear. "Now you listen here, Donatello; I don't 'play' with people who attempt to harm what isn't theirs..." Mikey stated bitterly. Donnie's eyes went wide. 'What is he talking about?' 'We didn't touch anything of his!' 'What's gotten into him, as of late...?' Donnie thought nervously. Before Raph could even go up the first step, Mikey let go of Donnie and walked towards the entrance, a low growl becoming evident. Donnie gingerly rubbed his pain-filled wrist, hoping to ease the pain. All the while, thoughts about the youngest slowly filled his head. 'Why would he do that?' 'He's never acted so...' 'So Raph like!' 'Has he always been capable of this, but would never show it?' 'What did he mean by that?' 'We didn't even touch anything of his!' Donnie thought frantically. He painfully sighed before looking at Mikey. Donnie could see, in his Brother's movements, that Mikey was pissed. Everyone just looked towards him, unable to register what happened. Raph broke out of the trance quick enough to catch up to Mikey. Raph grabbed Mikey's arm before violently pulling said Turtle towards Raph. Angered Emerald Green eyes met cold, Sakura Pink ones. Raph gritted his teeth in anger. "Mikey, what the shell is yer problem?! Donnie just wanted to hang out with ya!" Raph yelled angrily. Mikey softly growled more, trying to get the elder of the two to back off. Raph's glare grew deeper in response. "Honestly, Mikey, there is no reason for ya to be an ass because yer date was ruined!" Raph stated heatedly. Splinter looked at Leo in confusion. Leo looked at Splinter and shrugged. Mikey's eyes widened. "Well, maybe if you shell-for-brains didn't go looking for me, then we wouldn't have this fucking problem!" Mikey bellowed, enraged that they found something wrong with his personal business. Everyone's eyes grew wide. Leo and Donnie flinched, Raph looked upset, and Splinter looked disturbed by his youngest's anger. Mikey, who's glare grew even eerier with a flaming glow, huffed before reeling his arm back to him, turning on his heels, and marching towards the entrance. No one moved in order to stop his actions. As soon as he was out of the Lair, he ran towards the nearest manhole. He growled while running. 'This is just too much chaos!' Mikey thought angrily. He thought of the places he could go. He knew that it was daytime, but he didn't care at this point in time. 'Let's see...' 'The forest is too far, in this case.' 'Same with Mr. Murakami San's shop.' 'So, that leaves...' Mikey trailed off. He began to smile, having remembered a place he could go. He knew it was still a far while away, but if he went back to the Mini Lair and retrieved it, then he could go to his 1st favorite place. With a dark chuckle, Mikey ran towards the Mini Lair, determination glowing in his now Sakura Pink eyes.

'I still can't believe I know how to use this!' Mikey joyfully thought. He was sprinting from rooftop to rooftop, getting closer to his destination. As he did so, no one was able to see him. The device he grabbed had turned him invisible. 'And to think, they still haven't figured it out yet?' Mikey questioned bitterly. He knew, for years in fact, that he wasn't his Brothers' "Blood Relative". He was, however, related to another species. One that, oddly enough, the other Mutants didn't like. Granted, they have made mistakes, but they weren't all that bad! Mikey's smile grew into a grin. 'God, you've got to love the Kraang when it comes to escaping!' Mikey thought happily. That's right; he's really related to the Kraang. To be more exact, the Kraang Turtles. Now, they are the ones Mikey is related to! His smile grew softer, having remembered the first time he saw his Parents and Uncle. The year was 2009; Mikey was 12 years old. It was a cold Autumn evening. Mikey ran out of the sewers after Raph beat him up. Raph managed to bruise Mikey's eye before Leo and Donnie intervened. Mikey didn't have time to grab anything to keep him warm. At that point, he didn't care if he died from hypothermia. While on the rooftop, he saw three Mutant Turtles. They looked familiar to Mikey, so he walked closer to them. At first, they pointed their guns at Mikey. Mikey hadn't recognized the technology before him. Instead of running or screaming, however, he tilted his head before asking them why they looked familiar. The female put down hers and her husband's guns while examining Mikey. She dropped her weapon and grabbed Mikey, keeping him in a warming embrace. Mikey, having a shocked look, hugged her back. The two males that were with the female dropped their guns and joined in the hug. After hugging, the female explained how she was Mikey's Mother and the males were Mikey's Father and Uncle. Mikey still chuckles to this day at the memory. He stopped on a building that was a few feet away from the Kraang's building. He sighed, missing that old memory. He looked down for a while. 'They would end up killing my birth family if they found out...' Mikey thought numbly. Mikey clenched a fist and squeezed his eyes shut. He ended up slamming his fist on the hard concrete, blood slowly oozing out of his Lime Green hand. He winced before examining his hand. 'How do I keep Nora safe, if I can't keep my emotions cool long enough to protect her?' Mikey thought quizzically. He sighed again before looking at the ground.

'Shuffle' 'Shht' Mikey froze. 'What was that...?' Mikey thought confused. He turned his head to his left and held back a gasp. There, lying on her side, was Nora. She looked like she was sleeping. She had a peaceful look on her precious features. Mikey smiled. 'Truly, she is a Fallen Angel...' Mikey thought admiringly. Mikey began to blush before covering his face with his hands. 'Goodness, if I keep thinking like this, then I'll never stay focused!' Mikey thought desperately. He sighed before looking towards Nora. He slowly began to smile. 'No matter what, nothing is going to change her beauty; Not even our age...' Mikey thought before walking towards his Fallen Angel. He knelt down beside her and picked her up bridal style. Once lifted, Mikey grabbed the device that the Kraang gave to him. It looked similar to his T-phone, but it was grey with the Kraang's logo on it. Mikey pressed a few buttons before Nora became invisible to the rest of the world. Mikey placed the device back into his pocket and carried Nora to the Kraang Building. 'Tap' 'Tap' 'Tap' Mikey ran over the rooftops, being unseen by the rest of the world. He quietly jumped up many fire escapes, until he stood in front of the Kraang building. Mikey took a deep breath before looking at Nora. She had a small smile on her face, looking more at peace than worried. Mikey smiled at this. He lowered his head and kissed her cheek, causing her to smile wider. Mikey softly chuckled before jumping to the balcony. 'I'll keep her safe; I promise the entire Multiverse this!' Mikey thought with determination. Sure, she hurt him, but she was remorseful for doing it. After that, she helped keep their secret safe by giving him minor cuts. She still looked remorseful for doing that, too. Mikey held Nora closer to him. 'I won't leave her that easily!' Mikey thought again, a grin slowly forming. Once he made it to the balcony, he looked behind him. The buildings looked almost vibrant. This was the first time he was outside while the sun was out. 'So this is what it looks like...' Mikey thought admiringly. He softly smiled. 'Maybe I should ask them about a disguise machine?' 'I can see why they like this Planet so much...' Mikey thought again. Mikey could only watch in wonder as the Afternoon sun beamed down upon the many buildings of New York. Everyone walked by the building like it was any regular day. Mikey could see women walking on the streets, having a good time with one another. Males were walking past the females in their blackish grey suits, presumably heading to work. Mikey could hear the sirens, cars honking, children running past the streets laughing, etc. His smile grew even wider while watching the beauty before him. Eventually, he wistfully sighed before turning around and walking into the building. His smile stayed plastered on his Lime Green features, his freckles looking ready to glow from the joy.

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