Day 13

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Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up

So as you can see from the photo above, and the quote, to achieve something, you have to work hard for it. Sitting around and thinking that you will get whatever you want in life will actually get you nothing. There are people who are very intelligent and smart but because of that, they don't work hard and can you guess what happens? Yes, the people who aren't that smart but work for what they want move ahead and achieve more than those who don't work hard.

So the conclusion of my unusually long message is that if you want something, WORK WORK WORK for it :) of course don't let it affect your social life and health because that's taking it too far but you gotta put in the effort :)

~Day 13~

Ps: Favplusle and Cookiepatches if you guys are reading this, it was totally inspired by Mr Hing's lesson XD

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