Chapter 3:

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I wake up from a nightmare. I don't end up going back to sleep because I can't. I just lay here. In no pain no feelings not even thinking just blank minded tell my mom comes up and tells me it's time to go to school. I can't believe I have to go to school when I have a doctors appointment at 3. But I get up get dressed an go to school as I was told. I go through the day until my mom comes and picks me up at 2:30.

We head to the doctors so they can do the ultrasound. I kinda wanna know how my baby is doing. I really wanna know if its a boy or a girl but they can't tell that until 2 more months have gone by.

We get there walk in and my mom signs me in and we sit and weight. I read a magazine because if I don't do something I will fall dead asleep and good luck getting me up. Well, it's time for me to go back and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach and the nerves in my head. They have me lay on the bed and lift my shirt over my belly. Then they put this cold wet jelly stuff on my stomach and oh boy is it cold. They take the scanner thing and run it across me belly. I look at the screen and it looks kinda like a alien. You can kinda see its head starting to form.

"Doctor when will I be able to tell if its a guy or a girl," I said curious.

"The earliest you can find out is 12 weeks but we probably won't tell you until 16 weeks," the doctor said.

"Okay thanks. Now can I get this nasty stuff off my belly?" I ask.

"Yes here you go," the doctor said and handed me a towl.

"Thanks," I replied.

"Well, it looks like you have a healthy baby," says the doctor

"Oh thank god," I said with relief.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 15, 2012 ⏰

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