2. The First Signs of Trouble

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I'm not dead.
Apparently I was hallucinating about the bear man, and I had a migraine. That explains the black splotches covering my vision.
But I don't believe it.
I saw what I saw.
So, when I woke up (which was three days later, mind you) I searched up 'bear man' in the school's online archive.

Nothing. Zero. Zilch.

I'm sitting in the cafeteria, in the north side of campus.
I'm nervous. It's not that I'll get in trouble (I won't) it's that I'm here to fail my homework.
You see, being part wolf has it's advantages, then there's other things.
Like the fact I have to have a slice of raw meat everyday to keep my hunger at bay.
And I get fleas if I don't shower twice a day.
And I'm going to fail my homework because I am having meat. My 'diet' class, homework is to not eat meat for a week and record my experience.

I fail.

Sitting in front of me is a medium raw steak. I pick it up with the tip of my nails and rip off a chunk and put it in my mouth.
So mouthwatering good!

Scarlett sits in front of me.
"Your just failed your homework" she sings.
Where's this sudden burst of enthusiasm come from?
"Yeah, I know, how have you been doing?" I ask, ripping off another chunk and popping it in my mouth.
"Pretty good, mind you, I did have a whole heap of blood before I started, the only thing that I have had is the capsules, which, they can't count."
I look at the tray in front of her and raise an eyebrow.
"What? can't a girl have salad for once?" spits Scarlett with a smile.
This is new.
Hmmmm. I wonder....
"Do you know a guy called Anthony Spurts?" I ask, then shrug to show her that I don't care.
But even saying his name makes my pulse beat rapidly. Scarlett shrugs, not really answering my question.
"Ughhhh." I small groan sounds behind me.
I whip my head around and see Kathryn (Kat) standing behind me, holding a tray of pink mosh.
She is a zombie, a good one for that matter.
Her skin is rough and grey and her eyes (including pupils and irises), are a cream colour, and they have a roundish shape. One side of her face is slightly sluggish and her mouth is always on an angle. Her veins show and they stop on her cheeks.
She has greasy brown hair with a fringe and she wears a baggy, ripped, white shirt with light brown stripes, that bulge around where her belts sit.
She wears ripped denim shorts and slip-on's.
She smiles.
I smile and she sits down. I love Kat, but she isn't one you can just talk to if you need anything.
"Hey Kat, how was class?" I ask, taking another chunk off meat.
She twists her mouth and shrugs.
"It.....was....O.....Kay..." she says in her sluggish, slow zombie way. Usually she just makes movements with her hands and face.
She uses body language more than she uses her words.
"Oh! Kat, your not meant to have brains. It's the homework not to" says Scarlett pointing at the pink mush on kat's plate, which, of course, is animal brains.
You know, pig and cow brains. They are left overs from the meat they produce.
They can't just throw it out!
Kat shrugs.

Unfortunately, I don't get to see her often. Only when I'm in the cafeteria at recess, which is when I go.
"What's....w..Wron?" asks Kat, tilting her head to the side.
I twist my finger in my hair.
Wlould she know more about Tony?
"Uh," I start off."do you know who a Anthony Spurts is?" I ask, then shrug, like when I asked Scarlett the same questions.
She peers up to the ceiling, tilts her head, squints her eyes and scrunches up her mouth.

This is how she thinks.

After a minute she turns back to me. She nods.
My pulse quickens.
"He"--Kat grabs a chunk of brain and stashs it in her mouth--" were.....wolf. He.....real.....name.....no sp...spurts....it.....claw....sits....next to..to me in......class" she says so slowly I have go go through it in my mind again for it to make sense, then give up and write it down on my napkin.
I look out the window, bored. I see two golden eyes stare at me. Those eyes planted on a bears black head.
I shudder, looking away.
Scarlett looks at me funny but says nothing.
Thank goodness she doesn't!
"Juice?.....any....gills???" asks Kat standing up.
I think she meant to say 'juice? any girls?'
I nod.
"Apple" I say.
"Water"says Scarlett.
She nods and shuffles off. She walks weirdly.
Her hips lean on the left and her shoulders point down towards it. Her left arm is always up at her chest and her head rolls side to side.

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