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Thomas squinted up at the blackened sky as the thunder flashed from one cloud to another. People scattered about trying to find shelter but only Thomas stood still. The downpour began and the shutting of doors and windows could be heard banging. The winds howl above the buildings, sheets flapping hysterically, almost causing a fearful chill. The unlucky few were seen unveiling their umbrellas, dashing across the fearsome storm as they try their best to reach home safely.

Thomas was different. He reached for his beating heart with his right hand, clenching his skin hard enough that he could feel his nails sink through his skin. The thunder clapped loudly as the ferocious storm only got worse.

The storm sure is lovely...

The anger of the skies, thunder.
The cries of the clouds, rain.
The howl of the winds, storm.

It's almost as if the world is in pain, crying out for help. The only similarity between the storm and its people, is that no one could help.

Thomas raised both his arms out diagonally, as if performing in a grand act for the finale. Thomas closed both his eyes and took a deep breath.

If I could die, at least let the thunder take me away...

Clap after clap, the thunder seemed to miss its target despite Thomas standing in an open field with nothing but himself. Time flew quicker than before as the storm grew weaker and wandered off to disrupt the peace at another part of the world.

Not today too, huh?

Thomas walked away from the rooftop. 

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