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byeongkwan watches as the unknown black-haired man is moving box after box, constantly walking through the pale ghost as he stands in front of the boxes.

he watches him with admiration. "wow, i would've given up already." byeongkwan thinks to himself.

after a few hours of following the taller around, he sits criss-cross applesauce in front of the now sleeping male.

byeongkwan watches as the other's chest rises and falls. he stares at how peaceful he is during his slumber.

byeongkwan stares at him in awe, taking in all the males features. byeongkwan realizes just how breathtakingly gorgeous this man is.

byeongkwan tries to touch his face, but to no avail as his hand inevitably goes through the black-haired's cheek. the shorter let's out a sigh of disappointment. he continues to watch the other.

byeongkwan then realizes that he has stared at this particular human for far too long. in fact, it's been hours. he crosses his arms and looks away, letting out a scoff. "why fall asleep here? your neck'll cramp up." he whispers.

he then stands up and stretches. "maybe i should go visit yuchan..."

he looks at the black-haired male one last time before walking through the apartment walls and ending up at the hallway of the second floor. he turns right and walks down the stairs.

while walking down the sidewalk to get to where yuchan usually stays, he walks through someone walking their dog. the dog glares at him in spite. he glares back at it and it starts to bark at him. he just rolls his eyes as the dog's owner looks around bewilderingly as she attempts to calm down her barking dog.

he let's out a small chuckle as the dog continues to bark at him until he turns into the building in which yuchan's apartment is. yuchan has just recently become a ghost, much like byeongkwan. yuchan had died due to a car accident about six months ago. him and his brother were basically the only family the two had before yuchan died, leaving his older brother devastated. this caused the eighteen-year-old to rarely leave his brother's side due to his never ending guilt of leaving him.

byeongkwan reaches the door of yuchan's brother's apartment, walking through the door and hearing crying. byeongkwan sighs and walks into the living room, seeing yuchan's brother sobbing on the couch. he frowns as he spots yuchan sitting across the room looking at his brother helplessly.

"everything okay?" byeongkwan asks, sitting next to the younger. he knows everything's not okay, but he asks anyways.

yuchan shakes his head. "he's been crying all morning. I don't know what to do."

"there's nothing you really can do, chan."

yuchan starts to cry. "i know. i just hate seeing him like this."

"maybe we should go on a walk to distract you." byeongkwan suggests to the weeping boy.

"yeah, okay." yuchan wipes away his tears before getting up and walking towards his brother.

"i'm going to get going now. i'll come back, so don't worry. make sure to eat." he says to his brother that doesn't show any signs of acknowledgement.

he wouldn't, though. yuchan's a ghost— it would be impossible. which is probably why byeongkwan really didn't understand the younger. if they couldn't hear you or see you, what's the point in trying?

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