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sehyoon wipes sweat off of his forehead, placing the last box of his stuff on the freshly cleaned wooden floor. he inhales the scent of paint and wood— the smell of the house he just moved in to.

sehyoon looks around at all the boxes that have been scattered disorderedly around the entrance of the fairly large apartment. he sighs, rubbing his nape as he is feeling extremely unmotivated to move them into the correct places.

he inhales once more before lifting up the box that was labeled "kitchen 1" and carrying it to his new kitchen. the kitchen wasn't too small, but it wasn't big either. sehyoon didn't mind though, he'd probably just end up ordering takeout everyday anyways.

one by one he carried the boxes to their rightful places as labeled on the sticker that had been slapped upon the cardboard. by the time he had finished, he was once again wiped out.

he was currently in the empty living room as that was where he placed the last box. by now it was far past 8pm and due to all the heavy labor, sehyoon was completely drained.

without even realizing, he had fallen asleep sitting against the wall of the living room on the wooden floor.

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