t h r e e

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It's 17th April, the day of my university registeration along with Jenna. We apparantly got the same room since we registered at the same time.

"Raemi. Hurry up." Jenna tapped her feet impatiently. "We only have 5 minutes before orientation started." Her eyes didn't leave the white clock on the wall.

I stopped unpacking my luggage just to give her an annoyed look. "Geez, chill. That clock is running half an hour-- fake."


"Nevermind." I pulled out my last shirt and hang it in the closet. "By the way, do you want to exchange bed by any chance?"


"I don't like sleeping by windows.."


"So like.. can we exchange bed?"


"Yeah, thought so." my lips straighten as I held my hands up to show that I've surrender.

Its not like I am a scaredy cat. I mean I could watch horror movies just fine.

With my eyes closed most of the time.

And ear plug on.

Plus disney song blasting from bluetooth speaker.

Oh okay mAYBE I am.

I threw my gaze out of the windows.

Come on. Who wouldn't be scared? The window faced towards an abandoned football field in front of a mini forest. That view would be hella creepy at night.

Welp. Let just hope the curtain do its justice.


I yawned. For the 4th times in this hour. It was 9 on the last hours, though.

This hall that cramped around 600 students at the same time has made yawning contagious when the old man that call himself 'Professor Wang' can't stop talking in monotone.

"Jen. I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when September ends- i mean when this briefing ends." I started blurting nonsense as my eyelids became heavier.

"No you're not going to sleep. Pay attention to what the old man say unless you want to feel lost on your first day in here."

"I'll just ask you everything."

"Lord don't."

"And why is that?"

"I don't listen to what he said either."

I blinked awkwardly before started to stare at Jenna. She starred back before we lost in each other eyes, admiring how we share the same braincells.

"Jenna Bae. You are the type to do and take everything seriously. I didn't expect you to be this rebellious."

"Yeah, you bet. If its not for Kevin, i would have-"

"Wait who?"

"There. I wonder why is he here?" She pouted towards a familiar back who sit at the very front row. The slender figure. The dark brown soft hair. No price for guessing. It's totally him.

Kevin Moon.

"He's one of the fasilitator."

"I see.. w- what- who are you?" Jen and I turned to our right in sync. Did this guy just eavesdropping us?

"Kim Sunwoo. And I didn't mean to eavesdrop. It just that you guys are talking real loud I bet the sound system now know that you have your eyes on Kevin."

Did he just read my mind?

"Hey what's up with your face? I don't read mind."


"Now, Mr. Kim." Jenna interrupted. "Do you know Kevin?"

"We played football together."

"I see.. are we schoolmate by any chance?"

"What? You mean Kevin's school? Hahahahah no. We played at night, near a field around The West neighbourhood, if you know. That's how I met him."

A long pause.

"I assume both of you are his junior from highschool?" Sunwoo asked.

"Friends." I corrected him, proudly.

"As if I can't see how your eyes glimmers at the sight of him, nood." He let out a devilish smirk.

"Your accusation aside, what did you called me just now?"

"Nood. Noodle. Your long, platinum blonde hair reminds me of noodle. Ugh! How I wish I could have a cold noodles right now."

"He's a weird man, I see." Jenna blurted.

"Agreed. I've made my mind not to engage with this questionable creature anymore." And with that, I straighten my head, looking forward. Still are not paying attention. Just that my focus now is not on Sunwoo but Kevin.

He's right there. All I need is a few steps after these briefings end to reach him.

But no, not yet.

I need more time.

jacob, kevin, sunwoo, done

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jacob, kevin, sunwoo, done. Started off planning to include only Hwall and Kevin but now I just want to squeeze all 12 boys in this fics >.<

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