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Erika sat up from lacing her chucks glancing across the room. The 6'3 Samoan bent over pouring water from his bottle onto his head. She couldn't believe the time had come, draft day. The day where your fate of starting where you first started can be swapped the next second.

"Careful there sweetheart, you might start drooling your own water." It was one of her close friends Alexa.

She automatically lifted her shirt to wipe her mouth when Alexa laughed.

"Relax, I'm joking."

"Not the best time Lex."

"Oh come on, loosen up, you're stressing too much."

"Am I not when there's a possibility that I can be swapped from my best friend, my own brother, who knows maybe even the sweet little janitor who gives out the extra waters and sneaks us cookies after live events because his wife forbids him to bring any sweets into the house."

"Erika re- wait you get free cookies, how do I NOT know about this."

"Because you always wanna catch if there's a Starbucks near the hotel and catch them before they close and end up talking our heads off at night because you're sugared up."

"Okay one, RUDE two, relaxx, even if we do get separated we have our friendcation coming up for 4 days...and go talk to him, stop waiting for the typical awkward altercation when your bother comes around."

Alexa count tell by her face she was going in to deny so she cut her off "AND another thing, don't try to deny it, a lot of us know, body language sis."

Erika gave her a side sarcastic smile.

"Well, I've gotta go find Nikki, we've got some business with a pirate and her colorful headed friend." Alexa said adjusting her jacket.

"Good luck." Erika called out
"So The Shield brothers facing off for that number one draft pick, it's been a while Seth how do you feel."

"You know Reigns will always have a special place for me, Shield or not he'll always be my brother but tonight I'm repping for the brand I'm hopefully going to be representing, tonight it's all about that number one pick and I'm sorry but tonight I'm burning down Smack down's chances of getting that."

"And Erika, you sit here tonight with a possibility of being separated from your brother, do you think that will have an effect on your match later tonight?"

"Honestly Charley, yes Seth and I have this great bond but as you grow up you realize you have to go on your own, tonight I', going to be in my brothers corner because for the moment, I'm still repping the red brand all day everyday but once my name is called, the only things that's going to determine is who's ass I get to kick every week. and one more thing... Mrs Sasha since you like to run your mouth on Twitter, I hope you can back every little thing up tonight because when I get in that ring tonight, even if it's my last time appearing here on the blue brand I will make sure you remember this beating you blue haired bitch."

"Thank you and good luck to you both."

"Why does she make you so angry." Seth said as they walked towards gorilla


"And i quote 'blue haired bitch'

"Did you forget what she did to me a few weeks ago right before the ppv few weeks ago, and besides that she's always running her mouth then RUNNING instead of backing it up, she picked a fight with me and now that I possibly won't have to see or deal with her again, I wanna make sure tonight is special."

"Mom was right when she said you were the angry child."

"Shut up." she said laughing playfully punching his arm

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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