bonding and training

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Midoriya sat there waiting for purple(murasaki) to wake up as he heard him begin to stir

" finally up aye the ears suit ya so does the tail bud" midoriya chuckled at his own comment

"Wait what do you mean!!!" He screamed as he felt his head to find wolf ears and at his ass was a fluffy tail he had also noticed he had grown taller and was more muscular

"Oh yeah it freaked me out when it happened to me as well but minus the tail and stuff I recently got those although I will say you changed so much less than me my hair and eyes changed and I'm taller and more muscular then you but that's to be expected I'm the alpha after all welcome to the pack purple"midoriya said with a smile

"What do you mean alpha also what was your hair color before?" Murasaki questioned

"Oh well until I for or someone beats me I'm alpha and my hair color was black and I had red eyes"( i don't remember what I made his appearance in the beginning )midoriya said

"Well now what do we do?" Murasaki asked

"We put you through hell and back with training by fighting the one and only meeeee!!!"midoriya said as murasaki Sweatdropped

"Now let's head outside meet me there"he said as he dissapered leaving a confused murasaki as he thought 'what the fuck is this naruto'

Short time skip

"Alright now that you're here we are having your first test which is seeing your speed so run as fast as you can and I'll be right beside you"midoriya said as suddenly murasaki dissapered so midoriya ran and caught up and they both were at the beach

"Huh surprising you got that down pretty quick get it anyway so it seems your speed can be improved to be expected but now we shall fight to see your strength shall we purple"midoriya said

"I'm going to ignore your terrible attempt at a joke so let's do this" he said as both him and midoriya jumped down to the beach

"Lady's first purple" midoriya chuckled

"Why ain't you moving then" murasaki asked

"Oh I set myself up for that didn't i" he said rubbing the back of his head

" sure did"murasaki stated as he dashed toward and punched through midoriyas stomach

"Ugh fuck that hurt and wasn't expected either you're stronger than me when I first started welp I won't hold back as much"midoriya said as his stomach healed around murasakis arm "got your arm" midoriya teased before winding up a punch and punching murasaki in the jaw breaking it "oops" is all he said

"Damn itttt!!!!!" Murasaki screamed as he tore his hand out midoriyas stomach causing him to grunt and then rubbed his jaw then dash forward and start blowing holes through midoriyas body with punches like he was a hole puncher to paper midoriya although he was surprised also found this troubling rage was expected but this was a bit far

"Calm down runt" midoriya said as he grabbed murasaki by the neck before healing him and himself "Jesus Christ that was excessive you need to get that shit under control man and sorry about calling you runt" midoriya said as he and murasaki sat down on the sand while murasaki looked depressed and guilty

"I'm sorry I have alot of pent up anger and ended up taking it out on you" murasaki said while putting his head down

"Nah doesn't matter I've had worse pain then that and besides at least look at the bright side we trained you and you surpassed my expectations especially with strength" midoriya said as he patted his back

"What really?" He asked

"Oh yeah I'm pretty durable and your punches were going straight through scary when you think about it aye" midoriya said

" I guess" murasaki said still feeling guilty

"Calm down it's not that bad hell we can work together to fix your anger it's fine also where do you live your parents must be worried"midoriya said instantly murasaki tensed up

"Oh I see I hit a soft spot you don't got a home or parents then?"midoriya asked

"Yea I live wherever I can and they disowned me because I was quirkless at the age of 5 and I've been living on the streets ever since"  he replied sadly

"Well come live with me I git a extra bed and I'm sure my daughter wants to meet her new uncle and I'm going to get you into ua" midoriya replied

"What really not only are you letting me live with you but you're trying to get me into ua also daughter?!?!"he screeched like a banshee

"Yes yes they'll allow it but on the daughter part she's adopted her names eri" midoriya said with a chuckle

"I've finally got a family huh"murasaki said

"That you do" midoriya said as the looked at the sunset

And the beginning of the pack begins and so does my vision for what I have in store for this story anyways things will be going back to normal from now on except it will be two chapters every time now more than likely with that being said cheers mate and goodbye for now shout out to IzUMomOIsgOd for sticking with the story btw he/she is a real one and is quite funny

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