Chapter 5 : I Don't Even Know You

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      "He has short black hair,he's wearing a t-shirt and a pants. How come you did'nt think he's a boy?!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

      Merida facepalmed. "You did'nt even let me finish."

     "But why did you stop?" I asked her. "It only means that your sentence is done."

     "I did'nt even say put a period at the end." Merida exclaimed then rolled her eyes.

     " Merida," Rapunzel sighed." All people here does'nt say if there's a period at the end of their sentence. You can only know if there's a period if the person write it."

       "Did'nt you see that its a comma in my sentence? The author wrote it because I'm still not yet finish with my sentence." Merida explained. Well she's right. There's a comma on her sentence.

                 " He looks like a boy , "

       Yeah right. =__=

       "But why did you need to stop? " I asked as I put my camera inside my bag.

      " Because I breath. Obviously all people need to breath to live, " Merida crossed arms infront of her. " Okay. So on with my sentence that wasn't finish because of the both of you! So as I said. He looks like a boy that went here from the old building. I saw him came out of his car and was with the group of students that was going here. And also in the cafeteria yesterday."

      "That keeps on looking at you." she whispered in my ear. I looked at her with one eyebrow raised.

     "Lets just go already! " Rapunzel said then walked fast. Me and Merida followed her until we arrived at our room. We sat on our chairs. I sat near the window so I can look outside sometimes. I bring out my notebook and my pen. I rest my cheeks on my knuckles as I draw random things. ^__^. I felt someone walked pass me then I heard someone sit at the back of my chair. Since I'm busy drawing things,I just ignored it.

       "Good morning,class." Our teasher greeted as she entered the room. I stopped from what i'm drawing and looked at outr teacher. "Since today class that the other students from the WSU's another building is here now. Why dont all of you know eachother more,since others are new. So go! "

      I already know who's at my front and who was beside me. Well, maybe the person at my back is a new one. I turn my chair around then my eyes widened as I saw the boy I bumped into yesterday.

      "You?" I said a little loudly. What the heck?! I cant believe  I will meet him here.

     "Wel,well,well," he snickered then rest his back on the chair. "Here's the girl I bumped into yesterday."

     "Well youre the boy I bumped into alright." I said then crossed my arms. He grabbed the notebook that was on my desk then started flipping some of its page. I gasped as he tore a one piece on my notebook at the back.

    "Woah woah woah!, " I grabbed my notebook away from him. "How dare you tore some papers in my notebook. I dont even know you! Why dont you tore some in your notebook not in some other's notebook! "

     "You dont know me? "He asked shocked. "Well I am just the most popular student in WSU."

     "In the other building. Not in here," I glared at him. "I dont know you,okay? "

    "Well,if this will solve the problem. Let me introduce myself,m'lady," he said as he arranged himself then sit properly on his chair. "Jack Overland Frost." He put his hands infront of him asking for a handshake. I looked at it.

     "Elsa." I slapped his hands away and put my chair back into its original position.

     "That's it? " I heard his voice from the back. I turned my head at the back and didn't realize that his face is near to me. I back my head a little. He smirked,i glared at him. " Do you want me to call you Elsa Frost? "

     "No way! In your dreams! " I exclaimed and he chuckled.

     "Well if you doesnt want that surname," he continue chuckling. I looked infront. "Tell me your whole name."

     "Why do you need to know? "I shot back at him.

    "Because I'm Jack Frost." He said proudly. -___- " I tell mine,you tell yours."

    I sighed. "Its Elsa Snow Winters."

     He smirked then laid his back on his chair again. I looked infront since the two is already done.

     "So,who did you meet? "Merida started.

     "Mine was a boy. He is such a weirdo." Rapunzel exclaimed softly. "I kept on asking him questions but he didnt answer even a single one! He just kept on sighing and just kept on looking at me! " (A/N Bonus question again guys! So,who do you think it is? I need the full name of him. Just comment and the first one will get a dedication to the next next update. ^_^)

      "Maybe he saw a goddess infront of him." Merida teased then Rapunzel blushed. "So do you know his name? "

      "No," Punzie answered "but he knows mine."

       "How about you,Elsa?" Rapunzel looked at me.

       "Well,annoying and a jerk." I rolled my eyes.

       "Annoying and jerk? " they both asked. I shushed them two,remembering that Jack is just at my back.

       "You heard it right." I said softly. "He wants to know my whole name like he was a stalker."


         "Yeah right." I sighed

        "So where is he? " Merida asked me.

        "At my back." I said then the two looked at my back. When they finally saw him,they looked at eachother then to me.

        "What? " I asked then crossed my arms.

       "Both of you have so many similarities! " they both said happily.

          I looked at Jack in my back. I saw him drawing something on his notebook. When he noticed me looking at him,he smirked. I just turned my head back to the two.

        "Whatever." I said. The two was about to speak again but the bell already ring.


   ~ Time Skip (time to go home) ~

            I straightly went to the parking lot. I went inside my car and started the engine. As I was about to go, I saw Jack. He was leaning in his car with his hand on his pocket,and heads down.

      I wonder what he was thinking.. wait what?! what am I saying?!

       I sighed then went home.

. . .  . . . . . . . .  . . .  . . . . . . . . . . .

    A/N Hey guys! So yay,I update! Sorry guys for the late update. I was actually busy yesterday updating to an another account. Hehe. So do you guys like this UD? They already meet. But not in a nice way. I actually was planning it in a little annoying way. Hehe. To make it a little sweet. So yeah. *awkward silent*

      Oh I forgot. About the bonus questions,you need to answer it with there full names to have a correct answer. Since its two bonuses questions just out number 1 and 2 in it. And once your answer is correct you'll get a UD in the next chapter and in the another next chapter. So thats it! ^___^ hope you like this little game.

     Thank you to all the reads and votes!

     Toodles and Love lots! ♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♥








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