Chapter one. Snowtteith, Flash, and 'The Incident'

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"Dash, Dash, please come quick, our first little one is cracking their egg, we can see if its a girl or a boy!" The soon-to-be mother of 3 owls called for her mate. Dash swooped down and wrapped his wing around her "how exciting" he exclaimed! The egg made plenty of cracks, until a small little beak pecked it's way through and eventually a featherless blob.

"It's a girl" her mother gasped pulling the small blob close to her.
"What shall we name her?" Dash asked staring at his new daughter.
"Snowtteith, I've always wanted a little Snowtteith"
"Then Snowtteith it is" Dash said proudly.

"Sno" Snowtteith tried to repeat her name .

"Snowtteith" her mother whispered "Snowtteith is your name" and so Snowtteith started her life. And, only 2 weeks later she witnessed the hatching of her brother Flash.

"Flash & Dash, dad and son" Dash would often make up storys about Dash & Flash then read them to his son. Who was a little young to understand them...but Dash didn't care. Well as two weeks passed. Flash was two weeks old, Snowtteith four came a horrible incident.

"Snow, Snow" Flash jumped up and down.
"Hungry Hungry" He Cawed, extending his eyes and puffing his feathers "feed me, feed me!"

"You know Mum and Da are hunting, they'll be back soon" she said, staring out at the soft cyan sky from her high tree in Tyto. "Just wait a little"

So they waited, and waited, and finally Flash lost it "FEED ME" he cried, tears rushing down his cheeks. Snowtteith was worried too and now that they both were upset..... a great grey owl swooped down from a tree above them, cawing, and headed straight towards Snow and Flash. Flash immediately ducked, causing the owl to grab Snowtteith. She struggled and began fighting the owl but they were already two feet from her branch. She rammed her beak into his talon and began to fall, the owl flying away into the cyan sky where sunset was only minutes away, and Snowtteith she landed in a soft pile of leaves but still managing to get a bloody beak and a broken wing.

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