Chapter 1: I'm Finally an Anime Protagonist!

Start from the beginning

"You look just like Kiyoshi Fujino from Prison School! Only meaner! Seriously you have the lock of hair between your eyes and everything!" The girl finally blurted out with an overly enthusiastic smile.

Hanamiya didn't know what to say. Something was clearly wrong with her, to talk to him so comfortably. With a click of the tongue he marched up to her, placed his hand on her head and turned her back towards his team.

"Okay who's is this and what the hell is it doing in my gym?" Hanamiya said with his finger poking directly into her cheek.

Everyone stayed quiet, though Yamazaki attempted to pass what he was holding to Seto who shoved it right back. A small game of hot potato quickly ensued before piercing cries filled the gym. If the fires of hell weren't in Hanamiya's eyes before they were sure burning now.

"Whose baby is that? What the hell is going on in here? I was only five minutes late!"

Somehow the screaming baby ended up in Hara's hands as he tried to rock it back and forth to stop the crying.

"If I don't get an answer everyone is doing suicides until midnight."

And just like that everyone, including the unknown girl, broke out in explanation at once. Some were making hand gestures while others added sound effects and mimics to drive their points home. However not a single point was reaching Hanamiya's ears in the jumble of voices.

"Oh my god its like having a gym full of children. One at a TIME!" This silenced everyone.

Furuhashi being the most level headed and with the calmest voice decided it be best if he explained lest the whole team suffer. He cleared his throat before beginning.

"The baby is Hara's and that girl's. He brought her here and the rest of us have nothing to do with it."

"What!" Hara shouted only causing the baby to scream again at the loud sound.

The captain tried taking that information in and it was surprisingly more difficult than he imagined. Looking down at the girl whose head was still in the palm of his hand he looked back at Hara and then back again. Sizing her up he directed his next words to her.

"You let HIM do you? Pfft have some self-respect."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Hara exclaimed not expecting this interaction to go down this way.

"Ahh no! It's not like that." (Y/N) began explaining, however Hanamiya already released her and was walking over to Hara.

Hooking a finger into the fold of the blanket he pulled it down so he could see the baby's face. The moment it was revealed he didn't know whether to laugh or just be more confused.

"What the hell? This is a doll!" Hanamiya said with an amused tone. "I knew you couldn't pull her." With that he flicked the doll on the cheek only for it to begin screeching again.

"Hey! This thing records mishandling actions!"

"Don't call him a thing!"

"Okay enough with the misleading conversations, Hara what the hell is happening?"

"Well (Y/N) is in my health committee and we got paired up. The supervising teacher saw it in some American movie and now we're stuck with this dumb assignment for the semester. It tracks everything and needs to be fed, burped, changed its honestly like a real baby and its ruining my life!"

"Ruining your life? Why don't you tell your captain why I'm here?!"

"She says I n-"

"I'll tell you why I'm here! We've had this baby for an entire week and he hasn't been helping me at all!"

My Harem is Entirely Bad Boy Types (Kirisaki Daiichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now