Oh, he's mad.

"One more and that's it, I swear."

About two hours later I was in my own world. Let's just say that definitely wasn't the last one. 

I found myself walking, stumbling, to a bathroom.

Robert's POV

I pull myself out of a conversation when I notice a certain someone isn't by my side anymore.'


"Excuse me." I politely remove myself from the group and try to look for Lexi, but am unable to make her face out in the crowd. I check out the kitchen, the patio, the downstairs bathrooms. She's nowhere. Panic starts to rise in me, but I keep my cool and head upstairs towards the other bathrooms. 

As I'm about to knock on the bathroom the door open revealing a smiling Lexi and... Jamie? I furrow my brows, what the fuck.

"What the fuck?"

Lexi continues to smile oblivious to what's going on, but Jamie is quick to pick up on what's running through my head.

"No man. Don't." He instantly tries to shut down my thoughts, him being my friend I should trust him, but I have yet to be informed as to why they were both in the bathroom.

"Babbyy!" Lexi yells wrapping her arms around my neck. She's completely trashed, fantastic.

"Don't? Then explain." Anger started boiling in me.

"I was just helping her." Jamie says finally.

Lexi starts kissing my neck and I grab her arms from my neck pushing her off me, but keeping her in my grip.  "With what exactly?" I ask then shift my eyes to Lexi as she starts playing with my facial hair. I roll my eyes figuring trying to talk to her will be of no use.

"She was stumbling down the hall, said she was feeling sick. So I just helped her splash some water on her face. That's all."

I squint my eyes then sigh, letting out a deep breath. I know Jamie didn't do anything, I was just taken back and let my mind run there when it shouldn't have.

"I know you're better than that, I'm sorry man." We exchange a head nod and I feel Lexi move closer to me and rest her head on my chest. 

Is she going to sleep?

"We're going to head out, thanks for having us. Sorry about.. this." I use my eyes to point at Lexi.

"I'm just glad she had fun. She's a good one, I'll be expecting a wedding invite soon." We both laugh.

"I have to get out of my current marriage first." 

"You and Susan are still on paper? Don't mess this up Bobby."

"I'm trying not to." 

I pick up Lexi and carry her out of the house, towards the car.

Lexi's POV

He has a right to be upset with my I drank way more than I said I would last night and didn't wake up till quarter to two. I also don't remember anything after getting half way through my fourth sangria. I thought I was doing fine, but it all seemed to hit at once, I made a mistake, but it resulted in a grumpy Robert. 

"How long are you going to ignore me? We still have a couple hours till we land I really don't want to end our amazing weekend like this."


"Robbie, please. How many times do you want to hear me say sorry? I'm sorry, really sorry."

"I don't want to hear you say 'sorry' Lex. I'm upset, I have a right to be upset." He turns his head towards me finally speaking to me. "I asked one thing from you, 'keep the drinking to a minimum.', but instead I had to carry you out and put you to bed."

"I thought I would be fine, but it all just caught up to me. I should've paced myself, I don't know what else to say."

"what do you have to say about me finding you in the bathroom with Jamie?" 

My eyes widen.

I was in the bathroom with Jamie? Doing what? Oh god.

"Wh-what do you mean? I don't remember that." 

"He said you were feeling sick so he helped you wash your face and when I went looking for you, before I could knock the two of you came out."

"Nothing happened." I may not remember, but never would I do that to him especially with his friend.

"And how can you tell me that for certain? You don't even remember leaving last night." Robert is fully turned to me studying my face.

"Because I know what I wouldn't do and that is hurt you. Robbie, you think after sharing such a beautiful weekend with you that I would ruin it all by fooling around? And with your friend?"

"I don't know what to think, Jamie told me nothing happened, but-"

"But nothing. Nothing happened." I bring my hands up and caress his face as I hold him in place to keep his eye contact. "We had a great time together, please don't let anything ruin that. Just trust me, please Robbie."

Robert closes his eyes for a moment letting out a deep breath before nodding his head.

"Good, now kiss me before I lose it."

He lets this boyish grin take over, after letting out a laugh, and leans down connecting our lips.

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