Chapter One

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Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.


Dear Clarissa fray,
We have been informed that you have moved back to Brooklyn with Jhoanthan herondale and that he now supervises the institute there at different times, shifts to say. That's wonderful but you also are a shadow hunter,don't forget, a talented one. That talent, that power could be used. For good-

I stop reading it agin.
Some things must be took into consideration slower then others. This would take a century.

It's morning. Already?

I make my way into the kitchen to poor some coffee. Coffee. Coffee shops. Poetry. Eric. Simon. I miss Simon more then a fish misses water. Really clary? Fish missing water? A fish can't LIVE without water! Exactly. I can't live without Simon.

The last I've heard of them was that Simon and Isabelle were happier then they've ever been,Simon no longer being a vampire and all. We get calls and letters but it's different now. It's not like I can call them over for a cup of coffee anytim-

Coffee, I almost forgot I had the coffee pot on! I run over to turn it off and grab my cup. Before I can stop it the cup slides out of my hand and on to the floor with a loud crash. Probably just woke up the whole neighbor hood great. Great job clary.

I walk to grab the broom but stop and slide on my butt. Pain creeps into my foot as I grab and rotate it to find a piece of sharp glass from the cup stuck in it. I whimper a bit.

"Clary?" A sluggish Jace says. He enters around and into the kitchen, His eyes fly open at the sight of the blood running down my foot.

He runs to me,carefully avoiding the glass pieces, and sits on the floor with me.

"Are you okay? Is there other injuries? How deep is it?"

"Jace I'm hurts." It wasn't too deep but it didn't feel like a small paper cut. A smaller whimper comes out agin and I clasps a hand to my mouth to stop it. This is nothing, I just haven't had a good fight in a while so I'm a little weak.

"I'll get my Stele-" Jace starts to ramble and get up but I grab his bicep before he moves any farther.

"No, I can handle this. Just grab it and pull it out then get a bandage and pain killers from the shelf." I say to him.

"Clary. I'm getting the Steele and your going to let me use it..or I'll use it anyways." He turns his back and heads down the hall.

I don't want him to. But he will anyways. Which is the same way around if it were switch. Sometimes I question how this works out. He doesn't question us though, never. And that's why it works. Trust..and love.

"Here hold still." He places his hands against my skin as he pulls at the glass.
I cry out a bit, maybe it was deeper then I thought. He looks at me sadly as he continues to pull slowly.

"Rip it out or els I will." I threaten.
"I don't want to hurt you-"
"I can handle it."
I shoot him a glare.
"Fine. 1...2..."


I recovered. From the small accident this morning, now it was a part of the past. It was late at night, about around...6:40 pm or so. Jace had already left for his shift at the instatute near by. He helps train the middle aged ones there.

I hated how late his shift was..I hated this whole shift thing anyways. Although it did mean we'd get to move back to that institute, if we want, if we can. If I can...

Maybe I should write to my mom...she said she wanted letters everyday. I would just shoot her a message..but she and luke decided to stay in Idris. Idris..

It's so beautiful there, especially winter. When the snow falls on the green grass and the buildings become warm inside because everyone cranks up their heat in the season. It's nice,peaceful...

You could live there.
You CAN live there! When will you tell him? He can't blame you, it won't matter to him anyways.

The door flys open as that last thought
Flew through my head.

"Fray! We're going on a date!" Jace runs through the halls guessing which room im in till he makes it to the kitchen.

"I think you have the time of day's almost 8:35pm Jace." I roll my eyes at him and laugh at how cute he is being. Some people are hopeless romantics and some are hopeless.

"Who said we were going out side anywhere?" He smirks.

"Then how is it a date?" I question.

Jace grin widens as he grabs both my hands and squeezes.
"A date is when you spend time with the one you love..."
He takes a pause then shrugs.
"So I guess your right it won't be a date."

I punch him in the arm as he mocks me and acts like he has been greatly injured.

I can't help but explode with laughter until I can't feel like there's even one more once of breath left in my body.

"Okay Romeo..what's your plan?"

"Call in Chinese, a great movie of epic fights and sacrifice that I wanted as a kid, and maybe some..." He nods his head at me and winks.

"Your gross!" I screech and run towards the bed room to set up the tv.

Even though it's not taking me out to expensive dinners or to an actual theater this is the best date. Maybe I owe him some credit..being the jobs we handle you learn to appreciate every single moment, every thought, every touch of another person..because the next morning they might not still be there.


We fell asleep before we even got to the climax of the movie. Jace looked so peaceful lying beside me, his arm draped around me protectively. I could smell his scent. Sweet and sour. I loved this boy so incredibly much. the alarm goes off ending my moment of stalking him as his jerks up.

"It's Monday." he looks at me.

"..yes that would be correct." I laugh.

"It opens. The book shop."
I jump out of the bed quickly! He was right! It's not like I have a boss or's Luke's bookshop that he left for me and Jace.

Jace grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug swaying side to side for a bit.

" I like this."
I giggle confused by his actions.
"You like what? Do I not hug you enough?"
He pulls back.
"I like this life. And I don't want to pressure you...but I was thinking of quitting at the institute. Of quitting...being a shadowhunter....I thought we know be together and be safe and maybe someday..uh"

He reaches behinde his head and scratches. He's so cute when he chokes over words to say.
My smile fades.
This would not help my case.
"Jace you've been a shadowhunter sense were little. I'm not asking you to quit that for me."

I wasn't.

"I know! That's why I'm so's like. I mean it is. I want this." He gestures between me and him.
"Without worrying I'll lose it every second that I leave."

I avoid eye contact so maybe he'll get the message.

"Oh." He's mad now.
"It was a stupid idea anyways I guess. I was born to be a shadowerhunter. that's all that matters in the first place. Love is second. Thanks for reminding me." He starts to turn his back and walk away. Now he's pushing me away. He opened up to me and I turned him down.

"Jace! Listen to me. I need to tell you something." He stops walking, not turning his back to face me.

"I'm going to Idris. They need a team. A team that when things go wrong they can call. A team of shadowhunters. I'm joining them Jace."


Hey guys!!

Sorry that took so long to update! I'm getting a Mac book pro in December!! So the updates will be better and more frequent after then! Leave your thoughts! Thanks for reading xoxo!

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