Doctor x Male OC - Scars

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AN - I'm a massive Joker fan so this is based on Heath Ledgers joker. He will look the same but have some different aspects. In this, River is obsessed with the Doctor but not in love with him. I'll do a second part if people are interested.

"It was such a basic mistake, wasn't it Madame Kovarian? Take a child, raise her into a perfect psychopath, introduce her to the Doctor. Who else was I going to be obsessed with?" River grinned at The Doctor as she spoke, the Doctor glaring at her, her unable to comprehend the situation they were in.

"It's not funny River. Reality is fatally compromised, tell me understand that."

Madame Kovarian, sat leaning back in the chair she was tied to, begin to laugh abruptly startling the two mid argument.

"Oh Melody, did you really think we had no back up plan? You seem to forgetting someone." At her words, River spun to share at her in disbelief, the rest of the room looking on in confusion.

"River what is she talking about?" Amy spoke up, an edge of unease in her voice.

"Oh little Melody Pond, you didn't tell you parents about him did you? Kept him secret, hidden away from them. How disappointed they will be when they find out." She had a smug look on her face, causing River to clench her fists. The Doctor being surprised when he saw her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"River, what is she talking about?" Amy spoke up again, her tone colder as she glared at the back of River's head.

"No more lies, River." The Doctor looked between the two, momentarily forgetting the time situation.

"I'm sorry mother, father, but it would only cause you pain." River glanced back, smiling sadly as a lone tear tracked down her cheek, turning back to Kovarian as she spoke next, her voice cold and hard, " he's dead."

"You really think we would let little Jacky die so easily?"

"Don't!" River tensed angrily, "say his name."

"Poor Jack, all alone. Oh how much he hurt when you abandoned him." Kovarian had a smug smirk on her face, watching the pain in River's eyes.

"Jack? River, who's Jack?" Amy frowned confused as the Doctor's eye widened slightly, starting to understand.

"River..." the Doctor began to take a step towards her, being held back by the guards, aware what would happen if they touched.

Something seemed to snap in River as she rushed forward, pointing a gun at Kovarian's head, Amy gasping at the dark look in her daughters eyes.

"Where is he?" River's hand was shaking, her jaw clenched so tightly it hurt, her voice breaking slightly.

"Why don't you ask him yourself? He's due any moment now." She paused with a nasty grin on her face, her face crinkling as she sneered at River in amusement, "never was good at following orders, was he?"

"River, tell me right now! Who is Jack?!" River couldn't tell who spoke that, Amy or the Doctor, her form frozen as she took in Kovarian's words.

A burst of light illuminated the room, blinding in everyone before it dissipated, a throaty voice coming from one of the dark corners of the room, "Jack...never did like that."

"No." River spluttered, stumbling backwards as if she had been struck, dropping the gun as she turned to face the voice.

"Guards!" Amy startled at the new voice, the guard immediately raising their guns in the direction of the intruder.

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