𝔦𝔦𝔦. from the dining table

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Despite having tried to stay apart of the conversation, Maiara was left with the feeling of uneasiness, as her senses stayed alert. She darted her eyes around the Great Hall nervously, as she hopelessly tried to find the cause of her searing pain, but only found herself momentarily locking her gaze with Edmund Salvatore. The unfortunate contact with her previous boyfriend brought only more discomfort to the witch, and she was dauntingly reminded that he would also most likely attend the party later that month. Quickly averting her gaze, a grimace taking form in her features, Maiara tried to take a couple of calming breaths, but failed as the anxiety that had started in the pit of her stomach had begun to rise. Absentmindedly, Marlene's fingers found her way to Maiara's, as she unconsciously played with her friend's hand and allowed the tense witch was able to find a sense of comfort. The mere acts of fiddling and absentminded affection had been enough support for Maiara to soothe her nerves and give her tranquility, as she eased back into a conversation with her friends.

Maiara's breathing grew staggeringly rapid, as a look of fear etched itself into her features. Her hands gripped onto the sheets of her four-poster bed, causing her knuckles to whiten and for her fingers to cramp though she paid the discomfort no mind in her sleeping state. Cold sweat has enveloped her entirely, as she finally awoke herself as a result of a harsh shiver. Panting heavily, her crystalline eyes widened and rashly analysed her surroundings, as though she was expecting an ill-fated presence to approach her.

Much to her misfortune, Maiara wasn't unfamiliar to her behaviour, as negativity and horrors had tainted her dreams very frequently in the months leading up to her sixth year. As earlier that day, uneasiness clouded her emotions, and the witch couldn't stop herself from thinking back upon her late mother and the similar behaviour between them. Undeniably, nightmares and sudden migraines were very common with Selena Woodson, though she would often blame it on the stress of work and living away from her family. The unnerving feeling of correlation and similarity made the young witch grow timid. Nevertheless, Maiara preferred to spend her sleepless nights in the comfort of her personal presence without the burdening of others. So, as she had found it to unwilling become a routine, Maiara cautiously made her way to the Gryffindor Common Room, seeking the warmth of the grand fireplace that lit up the room in the early hours of the morning.

Softly treading down the stone steps, which lead the Woodson witch down to the main Common Room, Maiara tightly wrapped her knit cardigan around her. The early hours on a winter day were ruthless in Scotland, and so the shivers that came with the freezing temperatures were inevitable until she reached her desired destination beside the fireplace. Despite loving the home in which she resided during school breaks, alongside her father, the Gryffindor Common Room brought about a different sense of comfort and security though, many peers argued that the Hufflepuff Basement was beyond the heartwarming comfort the Gryffindor Tower could ever provide. The large circular room was vacant, as students slept comfortably or remained tucked in the warmth of their dormitories. A few bookcases lined the tall walls of the tower, alongside an array of scarlet tapestries, which depicted various animals and people. However, contrary to her expectations, amongst the vacant chairs and remainder of the room, Maiara caught sight of a brooding figure on one of the many squashy armchairs. He had his back turned towards the stairs, and had yet to take notice of the witches' arrival, but his identity was easily recognisable. Albeit, without his confidence and liveliness, Sirius Black seemed much more reserved than often associated with his name.

"I'd reckon a picture would last longer, Woodson." Sirius softly enquired, startling Maiara with the realisation that he had in fact noticed her presence. "Though, I can't blame you for your ogling. I'm known to have that effect on people,"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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