Exploits and Achievements of the Sahâbiyât

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Another aspect of missionary work is to preserve the religion in its pristine form, and protect it from any modifications, impurities and innovations that may creep in because of culture or traditional preserving the purity of Islâm was performed by many of the Sahâbiyât; most prominent among them was 'A'ishah رضي الله عنها.

In the year 35 AH, when Caliph 'Uthmân رضي الله عنه was martyred and there was chaos and confusion over who was the next in the line of succession, it was she who brought unity into the ranks by influencing the Muslims of Basrah (Iraq) and Makkah.

Leading the prayers and calling the Adhân, or the call for prayer, is another important aspect of religious life. Although women cannot lead men in prayers, they can do so with assemblies of women. Many women contemporaries of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ performer this task as well. 'A'ishah, Umm Sulaim, Umm Waraqah and Sa'dah bint Qamâmah رضي الله عنهن were some of the most prominent among these. In fact, Umm Waraqah رضي الله عنها turned her house into a place of prayer for women; the Adhân (2) was given there by a lady Mu'adhdhin (3) for the women's congregation, and Umm Waraqah رضي الله عنها performed the duties of the Imâm in leading the prayers.

Political Achievements

The Sahâbiyât (Women Companions) played a prominent role in politics as well. Caliph 'Umar رضي الله عنه so valued Shifa' bint 'Abdullâh رضي الله عنها for her political intelligence and insight that he very often consulted with her. He often gave her the responsibility of running the affairs of state of state relating to trade and commerce. Before the Hijrah (migration) of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to Madinah, the disbelievers wanted to lay siege to house, it was Ruqayyah bint Saifee رضي الله عنها who warned him. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ then secretly left for Madinah, leaving 'Ali رضي الله عنه asleep in his place. Vast political rights are granted to women in Islâm. A woman even has the right to grant shelter to an enemy, if she so wishes. A historian, Abu Dawood relates that Umm Hâni رضي الله عنها, the sister of 'Ali رضي الله عنه, had given refuge to an enemy disbelieve and the Prophet ﷺ said:

"If you have guaranteed sanctuary and safety to a person, then we stand by you."

This is the law of Islâm that the Imâm (4) or leader has to stand by the guarantee offered by the woman.

Education, Knowledge and the Fine Arts

There are various subjects, an understanding of which are essential for a thorough knowledge of Islâm and its tenets. Qirâ'at (5) interpretation and commentary, Sharî'ah, Fiqh, study of Hadîth, all are important aspects of Islâmic studies. Many of the women Companions were experts in these fields. 'A'ishah رضي الله عنها memorized the Qur'ân as did Hafsah, Umm Salamah, Umm Waraqah رضي الله عنهن. Hind bint Usaid, Umm Hishâm bint Harithah, Zaidah bint Hayyân; Umm Sa'ad bint Sa'ad رضي الله عنهن all knew portions of the Qur'ân by heart. The latter used to regularly lecture on the Qur'ân. In the sensitive sphere of interpretation of Hadîth, all were experts, but 'A'ishah and Umm Salamah رضي الله عنهما were exceptional masters of interpretation and commentary. With the former, 2210 Ahâdîth are associated and 378 with the latter.

'A'ishah رضي الله عنها was an expert on interpretation and commentary due to her close association with the Prophet ﷺ. Much of the Book of Tafsîr in Sahîh Muslim contains narrations from her.

Asmâ' bin Abu Bakr, Umm 'Atiyah, Umm Hâni and Fâtimah bint Qais رضي الله عنهن also had extensive knowledge of Ahâdîth.

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