Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11✰

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Finns Pov

This is a very weird situation in wich I actually don't wann be. Me jack and my dad are sitting on a table because... I wanna tell him... that I'm in love with Jack. I hope he'll understand... I think my hands are shaking and I'm sweating... woah I'm sweating so hard! Fuck I don't know what I should do now...

FD-"so what do you wanna tell me?"

F-"it's umm.. well I..."

FD-"Finn you can tell me whatever you want. I'm here for you and I'm sure I'll understand"

I don't know if this made me feel more save... I hope it did

F-"well I am... me and... we're"

I can't even finish my sentences. Good job finn! I have no idea how to get outta this situation. I have to tell him. He's my dad. He should know the truth about me...

FD-"come on finn. It's okay"

J-"Finn are you okay?"

F-"yes! Yes I'm okay. Well the thing is.. I am gay and Jack is my boyfriend"

Omg I just said it. Help. I'm sweating. His face didn't change. He looks the same like before I told him about me.

FD-"I understand."

Wait... I'm not sure if he really does.


FD-"finn I respect that. I totally respect and understand that"


F-"thank you."

Jacks Pov

He made it! I'm proud of my boy. His father also seems like he's okay with that. This makes everything a lot easier.

FD-"so what if I invite you guys to have dinner?"

J-"really?! That'd be amazing I'm starving"

F-"yey thanks dad"

~later at a restaurant~

[w-waiter, j-jack, f-finn, FD-Finns dad]

W-"what would you like to drink?"

FD-"Umm.. mAyBe... a Glass oF wine please"

F-"a coke please"

J-"the same for me"

W-"you look like a happy family"

J-"I'm not.. I don't-"

F-"that's my dad and he's my boyfriend"

It was so cool how finn just said it. He wasn't afraid. Not even a little bit.

W-"well then. 2 cokes and a glass of wine. Coming straight away."

F-"so what did you do all these years? Do you have children?"

FD-"yeah I have a family. A girl and a boy"

F-"WAIT? I have siblings and I don't even know???"

FD-"I should've told you."

F-" I wanna meet them!!!"

FD-"I can ask my wife if they want to stay here for a few days"


F-"I know you do haha"

I started squeaking.

FD-"but guys please. Do me a favor. Don't tell Finns mom that I'm here."

F-".... ummm..... okey.."


FD-"thank you."

W-"2 cokes for the young boys and a glass of wine for the man"


J-"thank you"



FD-"what if they come tomorrow. You can visit us at the hotel. It's very nice there is a pool and a bar and-"

J-"HELL YEAH! Sorry"

Finn smiles

F-"sure yes that'd be amazing!"

FD-"wait imma call them straight away"

[FDW-finns dads wife, FD-Finns dad]

~on the phone~


FD-"hey what's up? Is everything okay with you and the kids?"

FDW-"yeah sure! How is it going with your son?"

FD-"actually very good" *looks at finn and smiles

FD-"so I wanted to ask if you and the kids want to visit us tomorrow? Finn wants to meet them"

FDW-"Umm. Yeah why not? Just send me your location. I'm excited to meet finn"


FDW-"well then see you tomorrow kisses love you"

FD-"cya love y"

~hangs up~


FD-"they'll come tomorrow"


F-"yeyy. One question. How old are they and what are their names?"

FD-"so Kira is 4 and Ben is 5"

J-"Aaawwwwwww!!! I can't wait"

F-"omg I'm so excited"

FD-"Theres also a karaoke event in the evenings I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun!"

Hey guys! It's vry early in the morning but not in the night so. Yeah! I'm vry excited to write the part where jack and Finn meet the two kids and also when Finn meets his ‚mom'. Imma write it. Maybe later today or tomorrow

[edited 12/10/19]

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