Aurora stood still as she quietly put names to faces. She hoped her quizzical looks didn't come off as rude or insulting. Aurora had been right to be nervous, this was the Shelby sister, the only Shelby sister, Ada and here she was stood in front of Aurora with her husband looking ever inch the family princess.
"Where is Pol?" Ada enquired, her eyes now drifting to where Aurora's and Tommy's hands linked together.
"Pol wanted to stay at the shop and do the count" Tommy informed her, secretly annoyed that once again it was down to Freddie to persuade her to visit her family instead of Ada coming because she wanted to.
"I see........and who's this Tommy?"
Everyone's head turned to stare at Aurora as the big question was finally asked. Placing a smile on her face, Aurora stepped out from behind Tommy and held her hand out for Ada to shake. It was the only thing Aurora could think to do in order to keep everything extremely friendly.
"Ada, this is Aurora, Aurora this is me sister Ada and her husband Freddie" Tommy announced and not wanting to hurt the girl, Ada shook her hand with a kind nod.
"Lovely to meet you both" Aurora whispered still feeling incredibly nervous as she pulled away from Ada and quickly shook hands with Freddie too.
Aurora knew that if she were to become a part of Tommy's life, she would have to be liked by his family. She understood how much they meant to him and she couldn't imagine he'd let her stick around for long if they disliked her.

"You're a Hayes right? I can always tell from the eyes" Ada noted, her once hard face now relaxed and at ease.
"Yes I am"
"So what brings you to Birmingham Aurora? I imagine it has something to do with my brother" Ada smirked like she had just heard the worlds biggest secret.
"Me Dad is doing business with your brothers" Aurora replied truthfully causing Ada to let out a series of giggles.
"Is that what you call it?"
Laughing along with Ada, Aurora found herself drawn to the beautiful child in her arms. Aurora had a soft spot for children particularly babies. From a child she imagined that one day she would have a few of her own with a husband that adored her and the children.
"You have a bonny baby Ada" Aurora cooed as she bent down to smile brightly at the toddler.
"You like children Aurora?" Ada questioned finding herself smiling along watching Karl laugh at Aurora who was now pulling faces to amuse him.
"I love children!"

As Aurora was making her statement she watched a familiar child run past her, a look of horror on their face and standing to attention Aurora spun around.
"Briar! Briar stop! What's wrong?" She called out making the young girl turn with a large sigh of relief.
"Oh thank god! Someone I know!" Briar exclaimed rushing to her Aunts side and pulling her into a hug.
Feeling an overwhelming sense of protection, Aurora wrapped her arms around her niece, worry now sketched upon her face.
"What's wrong Briar?"
"No one would come on a ride with me, they were too chicken so I went on by me self. Said they'd wait for me but when I got off everyone was gone. I've been searching the full fair and I couldn't find anyone Rora, I thought I had been left behind" Briar explained, fear within her golden eyes as she continued to hold Aurora.
"Oh I'm sorry Briar! We'd never leave you, why don't we go find your mam and we can all go on rides together?" Aurora offered softly brushing Briar's hair out her face.
"Sorry Briar, I'll have words with the kids for leaving yah" John nodded surprisingly Aurora as his turned from a drunken fool to a pissed off Dad.
"You don't mind if we go find our family do you?" Aurora asked Tommy, gripping Briars hand stopping the now wondering girl in her tracks.
"Course not, go we'll catch up in a bit" Tommy nodded causing Aurora's face to flush as he secretly gave her a wink.
"Thank you, it was nice to meet you Ada, Freddie" Aurora smiled turning to walk away not before hearing Ada's words.
"I think I like her Tommy"

The fair appeared to get bigger as Aurora and Briar walked around aimlessly trying to find their family amongst the crowd. It was proving to be a difficult task and both of them were becoming exhausted.
'No wonder Briar was scared' Aurora thought taking pity on her niece who had been all alone for so long, unable to find anyone.
The fair had once excited her yet now Aurora was feeling irritated and annoyed by its size and loudness. Nothing could be heard except the laughter of people enjoying themselves. Briar had gone deathly silent, too silent. Aurora thought nothing of it until the girls hand crushed her own and she froze in place causing Aurora to jerk back over.
"Briar, what is it?" Aurora frowned looking at her niece and pulling on her hand to make her move but Briar continued to stand in place.

A Shelby Mistress Where stories live. Discover now