Chapter 11 The Boogeyman

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  Hades was waiting for Maia and Chris, he grabbed his crystal ball and a head appeared flourished through with green midst hovering around
  "What do you want this time." The head asked. "I would like to see, Maia and Chris." Hades said. The crystal ball sighed and showed Maia and Chris jumping through the waters from the fairies and so on so on.
  "Can you sense them love." Hades asked. "Do I look like a ghost. Ask me another time honey." The crystal ball said as to the head was gone.
  "I'm home." Paul said as he entered his house. His boyfriend was reading a book with his glasses until he saw him. "Hey, sorry for getting the wrong person." He said. "It's alright Hendry." Paul said holding his cheek as they kissed lips by lips.
  "Anyway, got another problem on the laundry." Hendry said. "Not again." Paul said running through the laundry when the bell rang on the door.
  Hendry opened it and it was Dracula. "Hey Drac, my bud." Hendry said. "Sorry for coming, I have a problem." Dracula said. "What problem." Asked Hendry. Dracula's cheeks began to blushed.
  Dracula told about everything that happen with Maia and began to teared. "Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. But, you know I'm, well-," Hendry said. "Oh right." Dracula said.
  "But can I least stay for one night." Dracula said. "Sure." Hendry said. Then Paul entered the chat. "Hey guys. So Drac is staying." Paul summarized.
  Dracula brushed his teeth but his brush was more different. There's two brush for his sharp teeth. He sighed and grab his phone, seeing the picture of him selfie with Maia. But as you know vampires are invisible in photos which he disappear in the photo.
  He thought of it and make a call to the Nightmare Corp. As he took a the call, a lady voice came to the call. "Welcome to Nightmare Corp, what would you like to do." Asked the lady.
  "Yah, can I meet an employee." Asked Dracula. "Whom tis it you will greet." Asked the woman. "The Boogeyman." Dracula said.
  "Wow you're so good at it. Surviving from a group of punk pixies, escaped from the deadly western manticore, and dived before your death." Hades surprised. Maia kept smiling and Hades thought.
  "Tomorrow is my speech for the Presidential Voting Day, so you two will go babysit by a guy named." Hades looked at a card he removed and said, "Boogeyman."
  As midnight goes, Chris can't sleep at looking Maia. He sighed and Hades was looking at him. "Let's talk." He said.
  They went out from Hades's apartment and went to the park. "So I know what you say while the delivery." Hades said. Chris's cheeks blushed. "It's up to her whether it's you or me." He said.
  "Every time I see her, my heart pounds every time." Chris touched his heart. "But we'll see at the future." Hades said. "Well, there's 50% for you and me to win." Chris said.
  Hades thought about it at work. "And there's 10% of winning for one of us. If we mix it, we can share." Hades said. "That's very thoughtful of you." Chris said. "Good math." He said.
  "Anyway, we should go back. Whether she choose me or you. Who cares." Hades said. Chris giggled. "Right." Chris said.
  As they giggled along the way back to the apartment, they were shock seeing Maia was missing. "Maia!!." Chris shouted.
  Maia's eyes were heavy to opened. Her body was lost of bones of laziness. 'Here's go again. Lost waking up in someone's room.' She thought to herself. With pain, she pushed herself up and see a small bed she slept in.
  'Something smells.' She thought again. She sniffed and look who's else is in the room, it was Dracula sleeping with a shirtless body and feet lart closed by blanket.
  Maia gasped and learn she's in one of the apartment where Hades live. She looked around and decide to go back to Hades's apartment without Dracula notice. She tiptoed as her last step stepped, it echoed through Dracula's ear which he woke up.


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