A/N: Updates!! Requests!!

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Okay, guys, so here's the situation for this book: I'm experiencing writers' block for the Hardison fic ("The Second Hacker") I started, plus I got hired recently.
Ideas haven't been coming to be, so for the time being, if anyone has any requests, I'll gladly accept a few. I will give you a fair warning right now, it will take me awhile to write, but I will do my best to finish writing ASAP. Just PM me, include the following, and I will try my best to quickly complete the requested story when I get the time to do so:

1.) Which character x reader?
(Or characters, but no polyamory; platonic friendships are okay. I also only write reader-inserts due to the creative flexibility I have in regards to the reader, versus someone's original character.)

2.) What happens in the story? Basic plot?
(I will not write the request if you do not at least provide a basic plot for me to use. It could be one or two sentences, or even a paragraph if you'd like. 🤷🏻‍♀️ No offense, but I just don't have a lot of time to sit and brainstorm a plot for a request, especially while experiencing writers' block. Unrequested stories' plots usually come to be spontaneously, not on command.)

3.) Any other details and/or information you wish to add.
(Angst, (insert adjective)!Reader, etc.)

I do NOT write smut/lemon/lime or anything with sexual content (or abuse!).
If I do not feel comfortable writing a request, I will politely explain and ask that you request a different plot.
Stories may take a while to be written due. I have a lot going on in my life -- work, personal issues, school (soon), and the rare days I get to hang out with my best friend when we're both free-- so I don't have much free time. I write whenever I can, so please try to understand. Thank you for your patience. I hope to write all your wonderful requests soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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