dreamer of destiny

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His voice was cold and deadly,

"If you stir her from her slumber, you are bound to doom us all!"

"Yes master Ben," The strange beast replied.

As they walked out of the girl's room, Ben turned and gazed at the figure in the small bed. Although it was dark, He could make out the face of a girl, a human in fact, with long dark hair and softly closed eyes.

When he spotted Tonk hovering over the staircase at the end of the hall, he stole one last glance, then tip-toed out of the bedroom as quietly as his large hooves would allow him to go.

As Ben clip-clopped and Tonk glided down the ancient staircase, the old oak creaked under Ben's weight, after all, he was a very fit and strong creature and it was a fact, that muscle definitely weighs more than fat.

Tonk landed gently and folded his exquisite feather wings behind him, allowing them to gently rest on his back.

"Now don't touch anything and keep at least two metres away from any wall. I don't want those clumsy hairballs that you are proud to call wings damaging a thing; are you clear with what I have just explained?" Ben spat at the little servant, although he immediately felt sorry for Tonk, as he was very good at heart.

"Y-y-yes m-m-ma-master," Tonk stammered looking down at his feet.

"Now let's leave," Ben whispered as he melted into the shadows of darkness itself.

"Get up! Let's go!" Mum said, a little too enthusiastically whilst drawing back the curtains.

"Mum..." Maya groaned dramatically in response. Knowing that she had been defeated, Maya threw her quilt to the end of her bed and dragged herself out to the hallway and into the bathroom next door to her room. After her shower which was unusually cold, Maya walked out into the hallway and was about to walk into her bedroom when she abruptly stopped, and sniffed.

"What is that smell?" She asked herself for she had never come across the strange aroma. It consisted of many smells of which you came across in everyday life. The few smells she could pick out were: a musty fragrance, which she immediately knew, was salt. A rusty, salty smell, which she recognised as dried blood, and the remainder of smells, she was unfamiliar with.

Ideas began popping into her head of what it was from, but she brushed them off, got ready and walked to the bus stop like any other morning.

The bus trip through the hills to school was just as normal. People teasing her and throwing their lunch at her while she cowered behind her drawing book; shrinking as far underneath it as she could go.

School was much the same and Maya was used to it.

The only abnormal thing that happened was towards the beginning of lunch. Mr Huffle Shuffle was blabbering on about aliens as normal while the class was nodding off to sleep as normal when, Maya started to notice a low buzzing noise outside. As it grew louder, it grew close enough for her to see it. Soon enough, Maya could hear the pounding of hooves and spotted a horse and his mount heading right for the school!

All of a sudden, the classroom door burst open and the rider asked for Maya to see him outside.

Whilst walking down the hall with the man, Maya realised that it was indeed not a rider but in fact, a man horse, horse man, centaur whatever you want to call it!

"Maya," he breathed in deeply for his next sentence.

"We need you to join us on a journey that is dark and deadly to save the existence of human and creature alike!"

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