Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s pov
I looked at the uniforn Shirou had handed me earlier.

"Well are you going to put it one?" I looked to see Nae excitedly waiting for me to try the uniform on.

I smiled before taking my school uniform off and slipping into the soccer uniform. "What do you think?"

Nae smiled. "It looks cute on you!"

I turned to look in the mirror, my smile slowly turned to a frown as a longing to be back at Eisei Gakuen pulled at my heart.

I felt a small hand be placed on my shoulder, I looked up to see Nae looking at me worried. "Are you okay?"

I looked at her confused, until I noticed a tears falling. I gently wipped them away. "Yeah, just missing my old team is all."

Nae gave me a comforting smile. "I know how that feels. I sometimes miss being on the track team, but when I joined the soccer club everyone was nice and excepted me."

I smiled. "Thanks Nae."

She smiled back. "No problem, now how about we get going before the team leaves us."

I giggled, before following her out to of the girls changing room. As I walked out everyones eyes landed on me

A smile formed on Shirou's face. "I'm glad to see the uniform fits."

I smiled and went to say something, only to interrupted by Atsuya. "Yeah the uniform looks nice, now can we start practice."

Before anyone could say something Atsuya walked out of the club room and headed to the field.

Shirou scratch the back of his neck. "Well he is right we should get started with practice." Everyone shrugged before heading to the field.

{Time skip}

"Since you are new (y/n) we'll split into two teams to see your skills and team skills." As Shiro said that he started naming who would be on who's team. "Lastly (y/n) you will be on team B with Atsuya."

With that everyone got in position. I took a small breath, before the whistle blew signaling the start of the practice match.

A smirk appeared on Someoka's face as he headed down to are side of the field with the ball. "Lets see what you got new girl."

A playful smile appeared on my face before I stole the ball out from under Someoka's feet and headed down the other side of the field, until one of the defenders blocked me. From the corner on my eye I saw Atsuya. "Atsuya!"

Passing the ball to him, was finally able to get pass the defenders just as Atsuya got blocked by two defenders.

"Atsuya over here!"

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes, before giving me the cold shoulder and passing it to Nae.

I stopped in my tracks for a moment. "What was that about, he completely ignored me." As I thought that the ball was stolen from Nae. I shook my head before heading back to my side of the field.

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