Chapter 10

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After we made it to the school Shirou showed me where the principals office was, before heading to his classes.

I sighed a little nervous before knocking on the door gently.

"Come in."

I opened the door to see a elderly man, he looked up and gave a warm smile. "Ah you must be the new transfer student."
I smiled shyly and gave a small nod.
He chuckled. "No need to be shy around me. My name is (p/n)." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. "You must be (l/n)."

I smiled and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you (p/n)."

He smiled before gesturing to one of the chairs. "How about you come take a seat and I can get everything ready for you?"

Sitting down, waited patiently as he got my class schedule and locker number. After a couple minutes he handed me the papers.

He smiled. "Now normally I would show you around the school, but I have a important meeting I must attend to. Instead I'll have one of your class mates, that will show you around the school. He should be out side my office right now."

Giving a small goodbye I walked out of the office, only to run into someone. "Oh sorry about-" I stopped as I looked up to see Atsuya.

He sighed. "Took you long enough."

I looked at him confused. "What are you doing here?"

He crossed his arms. "I'm here to show you around stupid." With that he started walking down the hall.

Shrugging off his rudeness, I followed Atsuya down the hall to my first class.

{Time skip}

As packed my things up, as my last class ended. A smile formed as I thought of something. "Hey Atsuya."

The Salmon haired male sighed. "What?"

"Can you take me to the soccer club??"

He looked at me confused for a moment. "Yeah why?"

I smiled. "Like i said earlier i wanted to join."

A smirk crept up on Atsuya's face. He opened his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by a girl with pink hair.

"You want to join the soccer club?!"

I looked at her suprised at her sudden appearance. "Yeah, are you in the soccer club?"

She smiled. "Yep, my names Shiratoya Nae I'm a forward along with Atsuya." Atsuya opened his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by the Nae again. "If you want I can show you where the club room is."

I smiled. "That would be great."

Atsuya's Pov

"Hey wa-" before I could stop Nae, she was already out the door with (y/n). Sighing I grabbed my bag and headed to the club room. " I help her move in to her Aunts and then show her around the school...what next Aniki lets her join the team."

After a couple minutes I finally get to the club room. "Sorry I'm late.."

Aniki smiled. "You're just in time for practice."

I looked around to see (y/n) no where. "So I'm guessing you didn't let (y/n) join."

Aniki chuckled. "No, she's just changing into her uniform."

My eyes widened as I looked at my brother. "You mean you let her join the team, she didn't even take the entrance exam!"

Aniki smiled. "She didn't have to, I know she would have passed it. I mean we both saw how good her kick was yesterday."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah but that doesn't prove that she can play."

Aniki opened his mouth only to stop and look behind me. I followed his gaze to see (y/n) in the soccer uniform.

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