Forty Five - Double 'O' no

Start from the beginning

They were joined by Rosalie and Emmett. Rosalie tried to take over making Renesmee's breakfast as she hadn't been able to make it for a while. As Renesmee watched Jacob and Rosalie bicker again, she amused at how she was still treated like a child a lot of the time. Rosalie especially treated her little differently now compared to when she was younger. Of course neither Jacob or Rosalie would have to make her breakfast if she had the slightest ability to pull a meal together. They both seemed to enjoy cooking for her, why else would they be fighting over it?

Their bickering ceased, much to Renesmee's surprise, Jacob gave up and came to sit next to her. She gave him a puzzled look.

"I thought, as a gentleman, it was more appropriate that I remove myself from the kitchen. Especially as it's clear someone else would like to be in charge of things. Just as long as she makes it right," he said, muttering his last comment, but knowing full well Rosalie could hear.

"She will make it perfectly well thank you and since when have you been a gentleman?" Rosalie replied.

"He's trying it out for the day," Renesmee replied with a smirk, earning herself a poke in her ribs from Jacob for her cheek. Rosalie and Emmett chuckled. She turned to Jacob and asked.

"So did you have a nice boring patrol?"

"Incredibly so," he replied slightly gloomily.

"Good stuff," she replied cheerily and touched his cheek briefly.

This exchange was not enough to hold Emmett's interest, he excused himself to the lounge and sat down in front of the TV.

Rosalie continued to busy herself with their food. So free from any stares, Renesmee ran her hand over the back of Jacob's nearest hand. She glanced up and smiled sweetly at his face, he returned a soft smile, which seemed to melt her from within. She wasn't sure what her face was doing right now, but she was sure it betrayed her. She didn't know how long they looked at each other, but the loud bang of a frying pan on the work surface made them jump back into the room.

She panicked and quickly removed her hand from his and glanced up towards Rosalie. She wasn't looking at the pair of them, but was making a point of being as loud as possible, which made Renesmee assume that she'd spotted the exchange between the pair of them.

They soon wolfed down the food Rosalie put in front of them and started to get ready to leave soon after that.

Jacob remained in his gentlemanly character, ensuring he took her bag and held the door open for her. She made her way through it and headed down the front steps where she expected to see Jacob's bike waiting for them, instead was her Dad's Aston Martin DBS. She turned to Jacob and smiled, knowing what he was about to say, making her realise she should have been expecting this.

"What else can a true gentleman drive other than an Aston?" He looked at her and the car with a similar expression of wonderment.

"How long are you going to keep this up for?"

"If your Dad keeps letting me borrow the Aston then I'll do this everyday," he replied with a smile whilst holding her door open for her, "Ma'am." He gestured to get to get in.

He got in the driver's seat, revved the engine and sped off. As always with Jacob, they were at school in no time and Renesmee had a big grin on her face. As they pulled into the car park their nice ride earned several glances. He got out and quickly dashed around the car to open her door for her again. He held his hand out to help her up, she took it even though she didn't need it. He grabbed her bag and held onto it as they said goodbye.

The car was attracting too much attention, several people were hanging around it, so Jacob locked it up and walked with her to a spot near the entrance that was quieter.

Never Let Me Go (Renesmee & Jacob Twilight Fanfiction) 2020Where stories live. Discover now