Pure Love

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I write to you as the girl you once knew. The girl of pure hope and dreams. A girl of spirit, completely unmasked by her sympathy to others. I write to you as the girl I used to be. When innocence and naiveness blocked my view of realism. Before I know that life sucks, but it doesn't have to. Before I knew that people are selfish, and only do something if they get something out of it. Before I knew of the consequences of love. But that was then. Now I write to you wiser, but of which less joy is known. As the last tear drops fall on this page, I finally realize why I wrote to you. I wrote to you to because even love has consequence of which I know now, it doesn't stop the feeling of it. Love lives whether or not we want it to. Love is something we can't control, and I realize now that's why I wrote to you. To exclaim the fact that I love you with every last breath that I draw to and from my lips. I love you unconditionally and without judgment. I love you forever, and forever our love will live.

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