Chapter 9: Guess who!

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~~A couple months later~~

“Jess, Mel, breakfast!” I put the food on the table and waited for them to come down the stairs.

“You’re going to be such a great mom one day.” Devin said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“I know. Jesse and Alicia are going to be so lucky.”

“I just can’t wait until I’m an aunt.” Mel said intruding on our conversation before taking a seat at the table.

“Me either. Gosh! When are you two going to start working on that?” I put my head down to hide my blush.

“When we are married. Right Dani?”

“Who said we’re getting married?” I asked kissing his cheek before sitting down.

“I did.” He kissed the top of my head.

“You two are just too cute!” Mel gushed.

“Yea, I never thought my brother would ever get this whipped.” Devin threw a piece of bacon at Jess in response to her statement.

“Hey! No throwing food at the table. Hurry up and eat, we don’t want to be late for school.” I said motherly.

“Yes mom!” I smiled before getting up and giving them all a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re such good children. Now go get your stuff while I clean up the table.” Jess and Mel left, leaving me alone with Devin. I know what you may be thinking ‘yes! They are finally going out!’ but you’re wrong. We’re are still taking things really slow and we are still ‘just friends’, as if we were ever ‘just friends’. Devin helped me wash up the dishes and walked me to my car.

“What are you doing after school?” He asked wiping a strand piece of hair away from my face.

“I have cheerleading practice. So does Jess and Mel.”

“So I’m going to be home alone?”

“Don’t you have football practice?”

“Nope. Coach gave us the day off. Said we need a little rest and relaxation before the championships. And my idea of rest and relaxation was a movie night with my favorite girl, but I guess I’m just going to have to go play videogames with one of my guys.” His face saddened, but only so I would feel sorry for him.

“Ugh. I’ll see what I can do! I’m not making any promises.” He smiled

“Thank Jelly.” He placed his lips on mine for about 5 seconds before pulling out.

“Can we leave you guys alone for five minutes without you two kissing?” Jess said walking out of the house with Mel following shortly behind.

“Hey, I went 6 months without her! Cut me some slack.” Devin said wrapping his arm around me.

“So the answer to your question is no.” I finished.

“Oh well isn’t that lovely. Maybe it won’t be too long until I’m an aunt after all.” She winked at us before getting into my car.

“Oh I can’t wait. You guys need to hurry up and start having sex.” Mel said getting into my car as well.

“See you later?” Devin asked his blue eyes sparkling in the morning sun.

“Maybe.” I replied smirking.

“Maybe is better than no!”

“See ya, big shot.” I yelled after him as he walked to his car.

“Later princess.” He blew me a kiss before getting into his car and driving away. I got into my car and had to endure the pain of listening to Jess and Mel gush over my love life. Instead of paying attention, I looked at the scenery. It was Florida in January after all. Not much to expect, it’s not like New York. New York has snow in the winter, flowers blossoming in the spring; lush leaves in the summer, and leaves falling the fall. I can’t wait until I get to go. We reached the school and we got out of the car. I love my school. I’m going to miss it at the end of the end of the year. I really am. This school and I have shared very sentimental memories. I can’t believe I’m going to have to leave it next spring. Walking into the school, as usual, all the boys turned to face me. This is something I’m not going to miss. Yes I did like the attention, but not this much. I mean, damn, I know I’m beautiful you don’t need to stare.

“Dani!” Jas came up next to me and hooked onto my arm.

“Hey there girly.”

“I so don’t want to go to practice today.”

“I don’t either and Devin wants to hangout with me after school, but I have practice.”

“Ooh. Devin. How is he? You guys have been spending a lot of time with each other.”

“Yea I know.”

“When are you two going to go out? I mean seriously, I’ve been waiting ever since freshman year for you two to start going out.”

“I hated him in the 9th grade.”

“No you didn’t! You totally had feelings for him in the 9th grade.”

“Ok, yea I did. I was still getting over our break up.”

“You guys dated?”

“No. Not like that. We used to be best friends and then her just dumped me as a best friend and became a player.”

“Wow. That sucks.”

“Tell me about it and I was head over heels for him.”

“You still are. Everyone can see it.”

“It’s just our history is complicated. It’s not that easy.”

“I get it. You need your time. You can tell he really loves you Danielle.”

“Yea I know.”

All day I had difficulty remembering that it was 2013. I was walking to practice when I saw Mel and Jess walking towards me.

“Practice is cancelled!” Mel yelled excitedly.

“Really?” I asked in reply.

“Yup! Coach wants us to get some R&R” Jess replied. Hmm same as the football players. Whatever.

“Great! Let’s go!” We drove back home and I walked through the door.

“Devin, we’re home.” I yelled running up the stairs into his room. He was asleep. I started stepping out when he started talking.

“No stay. Sleep with me.” I kicked off my shoes and wiggled into bed with him. We only slept for two hours before we wok up and started watching movies. My phone beeped, telling me I had a test message. I opened it. It was from Jas. 

You wouldn’t believe whom I just saw! A photograph followed. My heart stopped beating for a second.

“Dani, what’s wrong?”

“She’s back.”

“Who? Who’s back?”


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