the one place people accept me

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-sam's pov
It was 8am in the morning and i was a a coffie shop siting at one of the tables drinking coffeee. This is the once place people don't call me a freak and attack me with. knifes or barbwire in here I'm just like everyone else a tired person just trying to get some coffie and go on with they're life. If only it was like that wherever I went but no everywhere else I am I'm hated..... Why? I'm Just like them im a living creature.But no im a monster. I took a sip of my coffie.I need to stop thinking like this.I thought. I was soon snaped out fo my thoughts when a voice infront of me said"is anyone siting here?" I looked up at them they looked like a blue and red fox wearing a rainbow sweater? "No" I said. Looking back down at my coffie. " then may I sit here?" He asked "sure" I. Replyed he sat at the seat that was a cross from Me so what's your name" he asked.i looked up at this blue and red fox and simply said."sam my name is Sam" the blue fox smiled. Cute name i'm fluff it's nice to meet you Sam"
Authors note-
Sorry for the shortness th next chapter will be longer

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