They're gonna love you

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Daan POV
I slowly opened my eyes, the room was brightened by the sun. We forgot to close the curtains last night. I looked besides me where Beth was laying, still asleep, gosh she looks beautiful when she's asleep. I looked on my phone for the time, 11:08, the first training started 15:30 so they had plenty of time. I noticed I was pretty hungry, so I wanted to get out of bed. Just a small problem with that: Beth, she had curled her leg around mine. How on earth do I get out of bed without waking her up. I slowly moved my leg and at the same time she turned around to the other side of the bed. Now I could easily get out of bed, I walked downstairs where Lisa and Viv were already having breakfast in the kitchen.

D: "Goodmorning"
L: "Goodmorning to you too sleepyhead, you usually don't wake up this late?"
D: "I know, it was pretty late when we went to sleep"
V: "Oh really, wat hebben de tortelduifjes gedaan??" (What did you two lovebirds do)
D: "Rot toch op" (Piss off)
L: "Okay, I keep telling you both to stop talking Dutch cuz I don't understand a word of it and I feel left out!"
V: "Ahw, I feel so sorry for you Babe. That must not be nice, we won't do it anymore. Toch Daan?!" (Right Daan?!)
L: 😐
D: "Anyways I'm gonna make Beff and me some breakfast"
V: "You-"
D: "Vivianne Miedema, houd je mond dicht!" (Vivianne Miedema, keep you mouth shut!)
V: "I was just gonna say that you do know you pronounce it like 'Beth' right?"
D: "Yeah I know, Beff"
V: "No, it is-"
D: "Shut it"
V: "Whatever"

I went to the fridge and grabbed 3 eggs, the cheese and some bacon, I made an omelette and poured some jud'orange in two cups for me and Beth and went upstairs. I heard Viv say: "Pfff, uitslover!" Beth had just woken up;

D: "Goodmorning, I though it would be nice to make you some breakfast."
B: "Omg that's so kind, thankyou. So you're a good cook?"
D: "Definitely... not, this is like the only dish I prepare."
B: "Well, that's disappointing. I was hoping for a personal chef, who makes me breakfast every day."
D: "Sorry Beff, do you at least like my omelette?"
B: "Yes, it is delicious!"
D: "Good"

We finished our breakfast in bed and I went to shower after. Beth insisted on cleaning it up and bringing it downstairs. I took a quick shower and didn't wash my hair cause I had to shower after practice again. I forgot to bring my clothes to the bathroom, so I took a quick look and saw there was no one in the room. I quickly grabbed my clothes and went back into the bathroom. Just a few seconds later I heard the door open, damn that was a close one. After I changed into my training clothes and fixed my hair, I went downstairs where I checked my social media. I've always loved to check out some fanpages and their edits/posts, they're all so supportive and creative. Viv sat on the couch as well and stood up "Wanna go with me to the bakery, I'm gonna grab some sandwiches I nodded.

When we got home Beth and Lisa were already sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for us. After we finished our lunch we grabbed our things and went to the 1st training of the season. I was so excited to get started again, but I could tell that Beth was really nervous "Don't worry, they're gonna love you, trust me". She smiled at me, but was still really nervous. We drove with the car to the training center. When we arrived it was 15:50, so we were a bit early. But when we got into the building we saw that we weren't the only ones who were already there; Leah, Jordan, Emma and (ofcourse) Kim were already there. I hugged all of four of them and watched how they all introduced themselves to Beth. Well Leah and Jordan knew Beth already from the national team, so they just greeted eachother.

In about half an hour everyone was there and we went to the playing field. We did easy exercises and all had to go the medical test, just to check if we didn't have any medical problems. Luckily that wasn't the case and after about 1,5 hour we headed to the showers. -Omg the showers, I totally forgot about that. Like now is Beth gonna see me naked as well. Daan, don't be such a fool it is not a big deal. I don't have these kinds problems with the other girls, so why is it so different with Beth?-

Thanks for reading the fifth chapter! This is my first story so if you have any tips or something please share them with me☺️ So these first chapters are a somewhat expanded, like I'm a bit detailed. This will get less, but this is just because these are just the first days of Beth and I kinda wanna give you the first impression of what it's like and what happens on a day, if that makes sense? Anyways hope you enjoyed it!♥️

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